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How did you incorporate or "remember" the deceased in/at your ceremony???

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Not sure if this has been brought up already, so I apologize if so, but I want to do something to remember my grandparents, who are both now deceased, that raised me during childhood. I look to them as my parents & want to make sure their memory is apart of my wedding.

How did or are some of you remembering the people in our lives that have passed, but let their memory be apart of our "special day"huh.gif





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I was wondering this as well. I saw somewhere, on this site I'm sure, where someone had single stem flowers that they placed on a few of the chairs in memory of those who could not be there. That way they have a place at your ceremony.

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Originally Posted by FutureMrsRust View Post
I was wondering this as well. I saw somewhere, on this site I'm sure, where someone had single stem flowers that they placed on a few of the chairs in memory of those who could not be there. That way they have a place at your ceremony.
That is what we did! We had really simple programs for our guests- and in the programs had a tribute to our grandparents- I forget the exact wording- but it was something about "to the heroes in our life. though you aren't here with us physically, we know you are here with us spiritually. We reserve a chair for you, as a symbol of your spiritual presence. We will strive to follow your life example of true love."- (neither of us have living grandparents). Then in the program, we had the grandparents names and the dates they were married...I think I still have the template at home- I'll check....

Then DH had 4 longstem roses (one for each grandparent) that he walked down the aisle with, and put in the chair before he took his place, and I did the same-- had 4 longstem roses, in addition to my bouquet and placed the roses in the chair...
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We had an honor table at the reception. We bought a giant sombrero and a bottle of tequila for Ben's uncle because he was supposed to come to our wedding, and sadly he died. We also put out pics of the people who had passed and various momentos of friends & family that were not with us. I'm really glad we did it.

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This thread is super old, but the ideas here are good!  My FI and I both lost our mom's a year and a half ago (within 2 months of each other).  We both want to do something to 'honor' them! 


I think we decided to save a chair for both of them and put a rose on those chairs.  As well as put a picture of them on a table at our reception.  My step mom is going to have a fit, but I don't care!!!  :)


Also, I may do a bouquet and/or bouti. charm with their pix in it?....


I think my FI and my FFIL would really like that.


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