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Sacred Heart Diet Anyone?

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Originally Posted by 2008bride View Post
okay girls just got home from the store. I'm going to make my soup tonight. FI doesn't want to do it with me and I have a string bean 8yr old. So this may be hard. But I'm going to give it a try. I need a jump start then I'm going to WW. Wish me luck!
i'm already a ww member, but reached a plateau and needed a boost. i'm gonna weigh myself in a little bit, but i just had my stir fry (i did use low sodium soy sauce and chili oil, but am drinking extra water) and my baked potato w/ butter, so i'm thinking that i'm not going to lose anything.....
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Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
i'm already a ww member, but reached a plateau and needed a boost. i'm gonna weigh myself in a little bit, but i just had my stir fry (i did use low sodium soy sauce and chili oil, but am drinking extra water) and my baked potato w/ butter, so i'm thinking that i'm not going to lose anything.....
Well hopefully the low sodium and extra water will help. Running to my favorite store Target right now to get a battery for my scale. Its been out and I haven't cared, but I guess I have to now.
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Its the end of da 1 for me. I can already say im sick of the soup!! But the diet isnt that bad. the only problem so far is I feel a little errr gassy. Tommorow I have to go to a work confrence and stay in a hotel with catered meals and cocktail hour. Wish me strong will, because I am going to need it.

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Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
Ok, so I told you all I'd post this morning...well....FI is down 15 lbs (as per last night) and I'm doing 12-13 lbs (as per right now).
I just want to thank everyone for your support. We couldn't have done it without you!!!
Congrats to you and your FI! Changing your eating habits is the hardest part. So you guys should be on your way now! Good luck.

Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
Im STARVING for no good reason!!! I think that is totally all in my head. I had fruit for B fast and some fruit to snack on and its not even lunch. I never get hungry before lunch WTF smile78.gifpopcorn.gif
I was the same way. I made the soup for myself and made 2 batches because I was eating so much. I also, drank so much water and ate so much watermelon I was going to the bathroom every 5 minutes. Literally! But, after Day 3 I was fine!

Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
i just skimmed this post and i'm really considering doing this diet. I'm going to keep an eye out and see how you girls do. Goodluck girls!!!
This was my first diet and the reason I decided to do it was because it did involve tons of veggies and fruits. It did give me the boost I needed. It's definitely worth it to try it once.

Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
that's been my problem all day! i've had 3 bowls of soup, and snacked on some raw peppers. tonight i'll make a stir fry to have w/ my baked potato - i've never looked forward to a baked potato. i have ZERO energy today and i feel like i need need need protein. i scrapped the gym b/c i can barely get myself outta bed! i'm gonna go drink some coffee.

BTW - can we use soy sauce? chili oil? are condiments on the list of no-nos?
I had the same exact problem in regards to being hungry all day and lack of energy. I did go to the gym but only did weight training and no cardio. For me the start of Day 3 was great. I had energy and everything. That will probably be the same for you!

Originally Posted by 2008bride View Post
okay girls just got home from the store. I'm going to make my soup tonight. FI doesn't want to do it with me and I have a string bean 8yr old. So this may be hard. But I'm going to give it a try. I need a jump start then I'm going to WW. Wish me luck!
Good luck! It is definitely good for giving you that boost you need. At least it did for me!

Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
i weigh the exact same as last night. boo. i bet it was that damn potato. if i don't lose anything i'll be so sad. i have a wedding on friday night and i'm hoping to fit into a dress!
Depending on how much you need to lose it you may not see the results it says you should. Everyone is different. And I promise it was the best thing I did. I'm doing another post to give my results as I ended last night!

Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
Its the end of da 1 for me. I can already say im sick of the soup!! But the diet isnt that bad. the only problem so far is I feel a little errr gassy. Tommorow I have to go to a work confrence and stay in a hotel with catered meals and cocktail hour. Wish me strong will, because I am going to need it.
Stay strong Stacey! You can do it. Just try and it as healthy as you can!
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Good Morning Ladies,


Congrats to everyone that ended their diets Sunday and Monday! I wanted to post my results as I ended my diet last night!


I wanted to lose 5-8lbs or whatever it took for me to be able to fit back into my trousers and skirts again. I know it's not that much but, I had no intention of buying all new clothes. And I felt like my ass was huge (at least to me it was)!


I did it for the 7 days. Cheated twice and each time with 8 grapes. Also, I drank one or two protein shakes a day since I am in training. Last night was my last day and when I tried on my clothes nothing. I wasn't really disappointed because I now realize that I do have self control and just need to use it.


Anywho...I woke up this morning and when I walked into the bathroom my stomach looked flat. I looked smaller. It's 4am I'm thinking okay I'm tripping! So I get on the scale and I lost 2lbs. Which may not seem like much but, I'm not that big to begin with. So I tried on 3 pairs of my trousers and 2 out of the 3 now fit again without any problems. I like my clothes a little bit big. So they problaby fit just normal now. I am so excited. Another thing...my cycle was late for some reason which I blame on the change in diet and it didn't start until yesterday. So I think I was just bloated and maybe that's why I didn't see any results before because I bloat the week before.


So for everyone that is just starting out don't get discouraged if you don't lose the weight it says you should lose in this diet. You may not see results until the end like I did and remember that you are learning how to exercise your self control which tends to be a problem for all of us.


Good Luck Ladies

Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day,


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Hey girls. Sorry I haven't posted in a while...I was sick all weekend. Anyway, I have started this diet today. I have a big fruit salad and soup waiting for me in the fridge at work (soup is not a commuter-friendly item to bring for lunch!) and am about to dive into a grapefruit. I'm excited and would be happy to lose 5 pounds. I really just want to fit into a certain dress for a wedding next Thursday. (Who gets married on a Thursday? It's not a DW.) Wish me luck!

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