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Am I a bad Mommy?!


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This probably really isn't about the dogs.. it sounds like they do this with everything in your life and you shouldn't expect them to change or expect any different than what you've been dealing with all your life.


It's just a matter of how you react to these things and how you deal with them.

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I'm sort of in agreement with Alyssa. I have two dogs myself, and i would be a nervouse wreck if i left them outside unattended for even a short period of time. I don't really get the outside dog thing either. that's just my opinion


I'm sure your a really good mom to your furbabies, you just do it different than me thats all. And i do get how your dog loves being outside, my one dog loves being outside when it's nice but i feel like i have to force him in after a couple of hours to come because i don't want him outside that long especially with the heat. I would also be a nervous wreck that someone would steal my dog. I know quite a few people that had their dogs stolen from their own backyard. I can be a bit paranoid when it comes to my furbabies.


and it was very nice of you to take in the neglected dog and nurse it back to health.

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Indoor vs outdoor dog issue aside, there are just some people who are always going to have an opinion on EVERYTHING about how others live. I know how annoying it can be. Believe me, I hate when people give me unsolicitated advice or comment on aspects of my life they know nothing about. But you just sort of need to learn to brush off their comments. Let it go in one ear and out the other.


It sounds like you love and care about your dogs, so don't doubt that you are a good mother to them.


PS. When you have "skin babies" you get advice and suggestions from EVERYONE. Including people who aren't your family and complete strangers. It actually starts the moment people realize your pregnant. I just learned to tune them all out.

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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
Indoor vs outdoor dog issue aside, there are just some people who are always going to have an opinion on EVERYTHING about how others live. I know how annoying it can be. Believe me, I hate when people give me unsolicitated advice or comment on aspects of my life they know nothing about. But you just sort of need to learn to brush off their comments. Let it go in one ear and out the other.

It sounds like you love and care about your dogs, so don't doubt that you are a good mother to them.

PS. When you have "skin babies" you get advice and suggestions from EVERYONE. Including people who aren't your family and complete strangers. It actually starts the moment people realize your pregnant. I just learned to tune them all out.
You are so right. I need to just brush it off. I just hate the feeling that people think I would be malicious or abusive to my dogs. If I thought they were in harms way I would immeadiatly take steps to fix it. I know they won't get stolen. They are big dogs and I live out in the country. People drop dogs off in the country not steal them. There is always a great breeze out here and water for them to play in. I guess I am just questioning myself. I need to be more resiliant and let things slide.
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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
You are so right. I need to just brush it off. I just hate the feeling that people think I would be malicious or abusive to my dogs. If I thought they were in harms way I would immeadiatly take steps to fix it. I know they won't get stolen. They are big dogs and I live out in the country. People drop dogs off in the country not steal them. There is always a great breeze out here and water for them to play in. I guess I am just questioning myself. I need to be more resiliant and let things slide.
Honestly ignore them, you'd know if they were miserable I always know cause mine sulk if they haven't been on the bed enough or one has got a bigger chew than the other!! You just gotta learn the "fuck you mentality" lmao I'll give you tips if you want I find it very easy lmao rockon.gif
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Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post
Honestly ignore them, you'd know if they were miserable I always know cause mine sulk if they haven't been on the bed enough or one has got a bigger chew than the other!! You just gotta learn the "fuck you mentality" lmao I'll give you tips if you want I find it very easy lmao rockon.gif
Harty's how to's lol
Yeah I am bad about letting people get to me. Well family not so much people I don't know. Thanks for being such a hard ass lol.... you need to teach me
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My feelings go along the line of my dogs are my family members and therefore they are inside dogs. I know someone wrote that dogs were origionally meant for being outside but we have domesticated them so much that I don't feel that argument has much teeth. However, if you feel what you do with your dogs is right and they are fed and watered and taken to the vet and get lots of love everyday and are brought in during extreme weather, hot or cold then do what feels right to you.

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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
Harty's how to's lol
Yeah I am bad about letting people get to me. Well family not so much people I don't know. Thanks for being such a hard ass lol.... you need to teach me
Anytime just ask lol I learnt young Dad was a git and taught me to box at 5, I never ever got bullied after that lol 2 people in my life can get to me one is dad the other is one of my best mates for some reason he can reduce me to tears lmao
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