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I am TERRIFIED of spiders...


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and last night I got home from dinner and there was a big garden spider by my entertainment center. ( My property is right next to a couple hundred acre pasture so garden spiders are everywhere) My dog loves to play this game called "Get the bug" being that I am terrified of spiders I say "Cami get the bug" usually she will pounce it with her paws then roll on it until it's dead. Well, last night I told her to get the bug and she went to pounce and it went under my Entertainment Center!! I sat up for three hours waiting for it to come out so I could kill it. No luck... so I left the light on in the living room thinking it might stay wherever it was. This morning I have no idea where it is and I am so paraniod. Before I sat down on the couch I checked it out to make sure it wasn't on it. I am walking around in shoes which we don't do in my house usually. I feel like a prisoner in my own home LMAO. Cami is on the lookout for it. She hasn't left the entertainment center all day. I hope she gets it!!!

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LMAO!!!! I am the exact same way! The same thing happened to me last night with a thousand legger.... I HATE THEM! I saw it dart out from under Tim's beaura and I sat up and told the dog to get it and it went under the BED... She was trying to get it but I don't think she had any luck!


Last week a spider stalked me while I was laying in bed, it was right over our bed... I waited until it went to the wall and I ran over and smashed with Tim's shoe! But the best spider story of mine is... One night Tim and I were sleeping and I sleep with the TV on so I woke up for some strange reason and looked up at the ceiling and there it was a SPIDER.... Right above Tim's head! I jumped out of be turned on the lights and grabbed the vacuum and jumped on the bed and sucked it up... Tim had no clue what the hell I was doing... he was sound asleep...hahahaha! But in all seriousness one night one totally fell from the ceiling into our bed. I did get it out though...


That shit scares me totally, because when I was in college a kid was bit by a spider in the dorms and it was like he had broke his foot... He actually thought he did but when he went the hospital they found the bit. I have to have his foot wrapped for days and use crutches..


I have a friend who was bit by a Brown Recluses in Florida she's had to have numerous surgeries and has a massive hole in her thigh where the venom killed her flesh.... NO THANKS!!!!!! I'll stay in PA where we don't have those...

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BLAH! Yuck! My Mom got bit by a brown recluse once. She also had to have surgery to remove the venom BLAH! These spiders look like brown recluses but they are huge. like the size of the palm of my hand.

LOL at you sucking that one up with the vacuum.

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Aww. I guess you wouldn't have been friends with me in high school! I had a "pet" tarantula.


But I hate when you go to kill/trap/whatever a bug and it hides because then you spend the rest of the day thinking you're going to step on it or it's going to jump on you or something.

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I HATE spiders too!!!! They give me the heebeegeebee's!!!! I have almost fallen over backwards in chairs because someone has pointed out a spider by my feet. When my sister was young I had her trained to kill them, until she ended up getting scared by them. Now my daughter is really good about getting shoes and squishing them.


I don't think that I could move anywhere hotter than good ol' Alberta for fear of even bigger bugs! I think the spiders here are huge and often say they look like tarantula's even though they aren't even close! YUCK!!!! I am getting goosebumps thinking about spiders now!!!!!!!!!!

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We were just talking about this at work yesterday! I'm the same way - the spider has to be "taken care of" otherwise I sit there wondering if it's planning it's asassination on us while we're sleeping. My cats are useless, they just stare at them and meow frantically.

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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
Aww. I guess you wouldn't have been friends with me in high school! I had a "pet" tarantula.

But I hate when you go to kill/trap/whatever a bug and it hides because then you spend the rest of the day thinking you're going to step on it or it's going to jump on you or something.
LOL I think the reason that I am so scared of them is because my Dad use to catch Tarantula's when I was little and put them in a coffee can then scare the hell out of my sister and I with them!

Originally Posted by ethrondson View Post
I HATE spiders too!!!! They give me the heebeegeebee's!!!! I have almost fallen over backwards in chairs because someone has pointed out a spider by my feet. When my sister was young I had her trained to kill them, until she ended up getting scared by them. Now my daughter is really good about getting shoes and squishing them.

I don't think that I could move anywhere hotter than good ol' Alberta for fear of even bigger bugs! I think the spiders here are huge and often say they look like tarantula's even though they aren't even close! YUCK!!!! I am getting goosebumps thinking about spiders now!!!!!!!!!!
You would seriously freak the f*ck out in Texas. There are spiders in California but NOTHING like what I have seen here. I swear there are 65435431354 different kinds of bugs here! I have lived here for 7 years and STILL see new ones. BLAH!
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Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
We were just talking about this at work yesterday! I'm the same way - the spider has to be "taken care of" otherwise I sit there wondering if it's planning it's asassination on us while we're sleeping. My cats are useless, they just stare at them and meow frantically.
LOL yeah my cat is worthless too. Thank God for Cami. That is her FAVORITE thing is chasing bugs. You can't even say the B word around her she starts frantically looking on the ground for one.
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