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Me & my co-worker had it out! (long)


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ugh I just got home from work so I'm still very heated!! If I ramble, I'm sorry but you know that feeling when your body gets really hot from anger? Yea, that's me right now.


To start of my rant, let's call her "Loser" bc that's the only name that I call her.


Background - I've been working in a small family-owned hair salon for 4 years now as an assistant. I wash hair, color, toner on the highlights, and clean up after everyone. I've known the family my whole life. There's only 6 of us (3 being my boss and her 2 daughters). Another hair dresser I've known since I was a lil girl as well. We're all EXTREMELY close which makes our work environment so much fun. In October, Loser came aboard after our last nut-case left. I thought she was soo nice and always spoke very highly of her to our clients so they'd have the confidence in letting her do their hair. My exact words were "a breath of fresh air." New Year's she gets engaged. I was sooo excited for her! I gave her all of my bridal books that I had at work and offered to take her dress shopping since she's only been in this country for a year or so and only speaks Portuguese & Spanish. 2 weeks later, she announces to all of my co-workers that she's pregnant! Guess who wasn't told by her? ME! My boss said,"If you are going to tell all of us, you need to tell Jenny so she's not in the dark." She said,"No, she speaks English and I don't want the clients to know." WTF!? Everyone I work with speaks English and why would I tell anyone her business?! I was so offended and my co-workers told her it wasn't nice to tell everyone and not me. I couldn't understand what her deal was.. She started changing. I thought it was the pregnant hormones but she's 7 months now and still a raging lunatic. She keeps complaining about every little thing I do. Now, I take A LOT of pride in my work at the salon. I've never been to cosmetology school but I apprenticed with my boss and in 4 years, I know quite a bit. My specialty is hair color. I'm a perfectionist - I've never messed up not ONCE in 4 years. I specifically have clients ask for only me to do their colors. Anyways, She freaks out on me of I wash someone's hair and I don't take the hair out of the sink. She freaks out on me (like nasty as hell) if I sweep the floor around her and brush her feet by mistake with the broom. Even with the attitude she gives me, I tried helping her out. It was just me and her one day and she didn't have any clients. I washed this lady's hair. Another lady came in for color so I said to her,"Loser, you can go ahead and do her color." Snippy as hell to me, she says,"No! You do it!" I only told her to do the lady so we split tips. I was being nice! Later I come to find out that she complained to my co-worker,"Who does she think she is telling me what to do?!" I WAS HELPING HER MAKE MONEY!!


My last straw with her was 2 weeks ago when we had 3 bridal parties to do in the morning. Everyone had their own BM to curl their hair. I happen to not have anyone at that moment. A client walks in the door and she doesn't even let the lady put her purse down (well knowing it's for me and I'm sitting there doing nothing) and takes her to do her color. I thought,"Oh yea? You start, you finish" I knew and she knew she'd get busy and I'd have to finish off the lady. Who'd get the tip? Her. So I was curling a BM's hair and the lady's timer goes off. She goes,"Can you go wash her?" I shot her the dirtiest look I could ever give and turned my head as if I didn't hear her. She FREAKED. Ever since then we've been at each other's throats silently.


Today my boss called us both for a meeting. She said the environment is very cold and everyone can tell including our clients and we need to talk about it. OMG, the blood rushed to my head and I just started screaming at the bitch. I was like,"WTF is your problem with me?! I've always been nothing but nice to you!" She basically told me because she's been doing hair for 10 years she has no confidence in me. Basically putting herself on a pedestal. My boss and co-worker defended me by saying,"We've all started off somewhere.. and she's always done a good job." I lashed out about keeping me in the dark about her pregnancy in the beginning.. she said,"I am the owner of my body!" I was like,"If everyone in here knows including clients, and I don't.. then there's something wrong!" I also reminded her about me helping her out with tips. She screams at me,"I don't need the tips, I work on salary!" Doesn't everyone want a lil extra cash?! She doesn't make sense. We basically had a screaming match for an hour.


All in all, we left it worse than it was and tomorrow is round 2!

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First off Jenny the bitch isn't worth getting yourself all worked up! If you have known the owner forever and are very close with them all then they know who you are and know as we do how amazing you are. Sounds like the stupid loser is jealous of you and your relationship with the family. Try to cool down and don't let her get to you. It will all work out. Stupid chick though! I want to wait until she has her baby and kick her ass for you!

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Even my boss was like,"Jenny I don't want you to think you are doing something wrong, I just don't want her to think we are all ganging up on her..but don't worry, guaranteed she barely has 2 months before she has her baby, and she won't come back." After she stormed out of the salon, I stayed for another hour talking to my boss about it.. shes on my side but I just don't understand why she's gotta be so nasty to me. Everyone says its jealously of the relationship I have with my boss & her family but there's no need for that. I'm a good co-worker and friend and always try to help beyond my limits.

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Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
Way to go Jenny! Tell her off. WTF!!

Now, the shop owner...you've known her your whole life, right? If it came down to it do you think she's choose you over Loser?

Good thing you start your new job soon!
Never. Loser would go in a heartbeat. What gets me worked up is that.. I don't want it to be this way.. I want for me and her to get along..not best friends but be able to work together and communicate. Our last girl was a hot mess too and we were all so excited to have someone normal and nice and have a nice work environment. Were we wrong.
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Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
It is probably just jealousy...I wonder if the only reason she is engaged is because of the baby...right there she might not be juealous of JUST your relationship with your bosses...but also your relationship with FI...
That's definitely crossed my mind. She had to know she was preggers when she got engaged. She just didn't want us to think anything of her so first told us she was engaged and waited a few weeks to then drop the next bomb. Which right there she's playing shady games not even knowing our reaction.. We'd be just as happy for her being pregnant without being engaged.. y'know what I mean? It's like, right away she thought the worst of us. Especially me by not telling me..

shes so lucky she's pregnant. I wanted to put my hands to her hair and whip her around a bit lol
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Do you think she's happy in her relationship?


Also, is she busted looking?


There are a buch of things that can make her jealous of you...


You're good looking, in a good relationship with a guy you actually love, planning a wedding and you're not pregnant (not that it'd be bad if you were, but you know what I mean).


Maybe in her eyes you're "perfect"


Does that make any sense?

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Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
Do you think she's happy in her relationship?

Also, is she busted looking?

There are a buch of things that can make her jealous of you...

You're good looking, in a good relationship with a guy you actually love, planning a wedding and you're not pregnant (not that it'd be bad if you were, but you know what I mean).

Maybe in her eyes you're "perfect"

Does that make any sense?
She never talks to us about her relationship but she forgets we're part of a small community and we work in a hair salon?! Hello! We're like a gossip hub lol lol So word's come in about his "ways" and she's mentioned it to my boss that all he does is leave her home every night while he's at the bar... mmmmhmmmm..

I'd say she's average. She's got an awesome bod (i used to joke around with her saying she's got the most perfect butt and it's my dream butt lol) but she's a buttaface.

I think her jealously is towards me and my best friend Lauren (my boss's daughter). We're extremely close, she's one of my BMs. We've been total BFFs for a long time even before I worked there. When Loser came along, she was very clingy to Lauren always trying to get her attention away from me. Lauren started to not like her for that and distanced herself from Loser.
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