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Someone Talk Me Back Into My DW

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Have a DW. We had 41 people and it was just the right size.

Didn't worry about shuttling people around.


Our friends and family did say it was the best wedding they had ever been to.

Also they didn't really leave the resort because it was an Ai and so much to do there.


We did want to have an at home reception once we returned to the US for those that couldn't make it, but we never got around to it and had other expenses.


I loved my wedding.

It is what we wanted and we did it.

Do what you want.

No matter where you chose, it will be special.

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Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post

You want a DW you have a DW, sod everyone else its not about them. If your heart is set on it nothing else will do.

As for your family inviting every Tom, Dick and Harry tell them in no uncertain terms it isn't happening or it will spiral out of control! again they've had their wedding so they can piss off and leave yours alone lol

We invited over 30 people 3 have booked!! You will find when you are planning a wedding whether its at home or abroad people are full of shite! you get oh i'll be there I wouldn't miss it for the world!! its bollox, you'll fall out with friends but you know what - thats life and its their problem.

FI has already warned his mother that if she starts inviting her cronnies she's getting uninvited lol girl_werewolf.gif

Rant over lmao
Your rants are so hilarious to read Harty. rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif
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Great advice from everyone and I agree. You may be an exception but most of us have learned that they won't come. Even close relatives and friends who think it's the best idea ever and tell you they wouldn't miss it for the world won't make it in the end.


I went through something similar and we also wanted a small wedding. I sent STD's to about 100 people (some were the parents' friends!) and we were thinking "OMG what if they all come!". From there roughly 60 people said yes and I was still a little freaked out but willing to go with it, in the end we had a little over 30 and it was perfect.


Don't cave, have the wedding you want and if you know some people you would rather not have there will come for sure...don't invite them. The beauty of a DW is that you can say it's just an intimate wedding out of the country and get away with not inviting everyone and their mother. That's harder to pull off in your home town.


Good luck!!!

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I totally agree with all the post-- we originally had around 40-45 people say they were going about a year in advance, and actually had 23 people there-- which was the perfect group- but definitely less than what was said originally.


Having a DW was the absolute best decision about my wedding I made-- the families and friends got to get to know each other better in such a relaxed setting. The all-inclusive part was so convenient and made everything so not stressful...


I say- follow your heart!!!!

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I agree with everyone this is your dream and your day, have the DW. If more people come than you expect maybe you can scale back the AHR, do something outside at a park or at your home have it in the afternoon instead of meal time. BTW since mom wants to invite all those extra people is she willing to chip in $$ for anything!? Could you tell her you can't really afford to have more people.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Go with the beach wedding! If that is what you want, that is what you should do. I guess I don't understand why it is costing more money for you as your guest list grows. Were you planning on paying some of their travel expenses? I wouldn't count on everyone showing up either. We are getting married at The Royal in Playa Del Carmen on August 14, 2008. We initially had about 40 people who had put deposits down with our travel agent but we are now at 21 people....including us. Quite a change. You never know what will come up. We had guests that couldn't get out of work, had health issues, couldn't get anyone to watch the kids, and actually had a couple who got pregnant and had to change their plans. We are having an AHR so that we can celebrate with all of our friends that had to change their plans. The bottom line is, you need to do what makes you happy. You will never forget this day and you don't want to look back with regrets. Your guests will figure out what is best for them. You can't please everyone but you can please yourself!

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