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WOW twenty bucks a month! That is so cheap. Of course I didn't have insurance but about five years ago I went to a dermatologist.And it was going to be like 365 a month. I walked in the office sat down he walked in and instantly wanted to put me on Accutane, he hadn't even looked at my face yet. It pissed me off. They gave me like a twenty page book on it and I had to sign all these releasements. He told me first he had to "try other things to prove I needed it" so he prescribed me some cream and antibiotic to try for a week even though he was already putting me on Accutane. Seemed really fishy to me and I went home and read up on the internet. It freaked me out and I didn't do it. Well about four months ago I went to a different derm. in Ft Worth (what I should have done in the first place) and he put me on a facewash and antibiotic and my skin is so much better! Not as good as I want it to be but that will take time I am sure. I can actually not wear makeup and feel more confident.

I had a friend that was Accutane in highschool. Her face got way worse before it got better. So, make sure you start WAY before your wedding like at least 8 months maybe more. But in the long run it worked great. She has beautiful skin now.

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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
WOW twenty bucks a month! That is so cheap. Of course I didn't have insurance but about five years ago I went to a dermatologist.And it was going to be like 365 a month. I walked in the office sat down he walked in and instantly wanted to put me on Accutane, he hadn't even looked at my face yet. It pissed me off. They gave me like a twenty page book on it and I had to sign all these releasements. He told me first he had to "try other things to prove I needed it" so he prescribed me some cream and antibiotic to try for a week even though he was already putting me on Accutane. Seemed really fishy to me and I went home and read up on the internet. It freaked me out and I didn't do it. Well about four months ago I went to a different derm. in Ft Worth (what I should have done in the first place) and he put me on a facewash and antibiotic and my skin is so much better! Not as good as I want it to be but that will take time I am sure. I can actually not wear makeup and feel more confident.
I had a friend that was Accutane in highschool. Her face got way worse before it got better. So, make sure you start WAY before your wedding like at least 8 months maybe more. But in the long run it worked great. She has beautiful skin now.

omg I would have a tough time forking out $365 a month for it!!! My wedding is Feb 2010 so I'll have plenty time to get through it (and heal from emotional scars from the experience haha). I have heard that it gets way worse before it gets better...which SUCKS...but I thought because I am not in highschool, it may be a bit easier (co-workers would be more understanding than fellow highschool students I pressume wink.gif I asked my Dr. if he could refer me to a dermatologist, but he said they wouldn't tell me anything different (than going on Accutane). It's not that my skin is horrible, I'm just sick of getting pimples and would like to be as worry-free (i.e., not worrying that my makeup is sweating off!) as possible on the beach :)

Kat81 -- you're right...it is scarey. It seems like any side affect under the sun is a possibility. I've been reading on the internet about it, but it seems like only the bad things come up. I guess it's all precautions.
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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
I think it would be worth it for you. I say go for it. Just make sure you are SUPER careful about not getting pregnant.
Definitely! My dr said I have to get blood tests (liver) and a pregnancy test before I can even get the prescription filled each month...which is nothing I will ever complain about! Thanks again!
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Honestly, Accutane wasn't that bad. And for me, my skin just sort of stayed the same for a while, it didn't get worse... The worse thing was the risk of burning when I was on it cause I did take it over the summer and I was a lifeguard outside. I wasn't use to burning since I have olive-goes-strait-to-a-tan skin, but I wore high SPF sunscreen. A small adjustment and it was a good habit to get into. My lips were really dry though, so I also had hydrocortisone cream that I loaded on my lips at night and it worked great.

The worse thing was the blood tests and I eventually got use to it - no big deal. For me, it was totally worth it.

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Originally Posted by seaprincess View Post
Honestly, Accutane wasn't that bad. And for me, my skin just sort of stayed the same for a while, it didn't get worse... The worse thing was the risk of burning when I was on it cause I did take it over the summer and I was a lifeguard outside. I wasn't use to burning since I have olive-goes-strait-to-a-tan skin, but I wore high SPF sunscreen. A small adjustment and it was a good habit to get into. My lips were really dry though, so I also had hydrocortisone cream that I loaded on my lips at night and it worked great.
The worse thing was the blood tests and I eventually got use to it - no big deal. For me, it was totally worth it.
Is the hydrocortisone cream by prescription or over the counter? I'm glad to hear it wasn't that bad for you. Were you on it for the 4.5 months (that's what my dr recommended)?
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Originally Posted by MrsFisher2B View Post
Is the hydrocortisone cream by prescription or over the counter? I'm glad to hear it wasn't that bad for you. Were you on it for the 4.5 months (that's what my dr recommended)?
I beleive it was behind the counter, but not prescription. I was on it for alot longer than that because the dosage I was on wasn't quite high enough (1 pill a day) and we had to play with it because I didn't weigh enough to go on two pills a day. I ended up on a dosage of 1 pill one day, and then 2 pills the next alternating back and forth, so once we got that figured out, I think it was probably about 4.5 months. I think I was on it for about 10 months though all together. Please keep in mind I was on it about 8 years ago, so I can't remember all the details except the outcome. Hope this helps you and good luck if you do choose to take it.
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Originally Posted by seaprincess View Post
I beleive it was behind the counter, but not prescription. I was on it for alot longer than that because the dosage I was on wasn't quite high enough (1 pill a day) and we had to play with it because I didn't weigh enough to go on two pills a day. I ended up on a dosage of 1 pill one day, and then 2 pills the next alternating back and forth, so once we got that figured out, I think it was probably about 4.5 months. I think I was on it for about 10 months though all together. Please keep in mind I was on it about 8 years ago, so I can't remember all the details except the outcome. Hope this helps you and good luck if you do choose to take it.
Hm..it seems like a common thing to be on it for long than the 4.5 months my dr recommended. Oh well. I made an appointment for June 26th to see if he will put me on it now, instead of waiting until October to do it. I have my argument ready because I don't wait to wait until Oct! :) Thanks for your info!
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