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does any1 know of any couples unable to marry as there was a problem with blood tests

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In know they say the blood test thing is very routine in Mexico for the legal ceromony and ( touch wood ) theres no reason I should worry, I just wondered if anything had ever happend where a couple was unable to marry and what happened ?

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I knew of someone who went to Mexico with her fiance to be married about...two years ago. The blood test came back showing she had syphillis (sp?) and they were not able to legally marry. From what I recall, I believe they were able to have a symbolic ceremony (someone in their wedding party was able to perform their ceremony) and they were legally married when they returned home.


I believe the only reasons the blood test would impact the outcome of the wedding, is if the bride and groom are blood related, one or both parties has some forms of STD, or if one or both parties is HIV/AIDS positive.


I'm sure someone with more knowledge on the subject will be along...but...if none of those things above are of a concern to you or your fiance, it should be just fine.

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Originally Posted by Shay2679 View Post
I knew of someone who went to Mexico with her fiance to be married about...two years ago. The blood test came back showing she had syphillis (sp?) and they were not able to legally marry. From what I recall, I believe they were able to have a symbolic ceremony (someone in their wedding party was able to perform their ceremony) and they were legally married when they returned home.

I believe the only reasons the blood test would impact the outcome of the wedding, is if the bride and groom are blood related, one or both parties has some forms of STD, or if one or both parties is HIV/AIDS positive.

I'm sure someone with more knowledge on the subject will be along...but...if none of those things above are of a concern to you or your fiance, it should be just fine.
Hi there,

Thats what I wondered, if there ever was a problem could you still go ahead with some form of ceremony, thanks for your input
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I was 99.9% positive we wouldn't have problems, but I told myself if ever we did (or if ever the judge canceled, or something else like that) that we'd just have the symbolic ceremony performed by the wedding coordinator and get legally married back home.


They can't stop you from having a symbolic ceremony seeing as the ceremony officially means nothing.

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I went into it with the same attitude. if something happens, just do the symbolic ceremony and get married in the courthouse when we get home. There really is nothing else you CAN do!

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That was one of my big worries 2 so I did massive searches on what the blood tests and were and even rang a clinic which gave the nurse a good laugh lmao


Then when I thought about it I thought well I give blood and if I had anything like that it would be picked up and if anything did show up i'd keep my trap shut, get a symbolic done and then smack him all over when we got home and go to the local civic lol


When I asked my GP he cracked up! he said no way can they do tests for loads of stuff from one bit of blood and in 2 day turn around lol so don't worry about it - plenty other stuff to worry about

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Thanks for this thread, I was so worried, not necessary about myself or my FI, but them messing up the test and refusing to marry you. I read someone's review that said they dont even label the blood results, what if they get them mixed up or something. Nice to know about the symbolic ceremony, I'd hate to tell my family we can't get married because we failed our STD test.

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