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We just got served......


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i'm so glad that the socialworker was on your side. I was worried that they might believe your sister. You never know what could of happened, one false allegation could of ruined your fi's and the rest of your family's life. it was a really disgusting thing that your sister did. i hope she realizes that one day.

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Oh thank GOD! I cannot believe your sister did this and then lied to your father's face about it. What a complete and total b***H!


Personally (and I admit I haven't read thru all of the responses), I'd have a conversation with your sister and make sure that she understands that she is no longer welcome to speak with or have any contact with any member of your family. After the conversation put it in writing and send it via certified mail so that if there is any further conversation you have the basis of filing a harassment lawsuit to get a restraining order.

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I canâ€t believe your sister did not think these false accusations through nor all of the things that could have gone wrong with your daughter, your FI, yourself, your relationship with FI, and your relationship with her!!


As hard as it might be to do - although psycho sis has made it quite easy - you're making the right decision by cutting her off. A restraining order sounds good too...for everyoneâ€s best interest...especially if sheâ€s lying to your father/family about this as well.


Document everything and keep your head up babe!

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Celina - I am so happy for you. I just hate that this situation ever arose in the first place.


Your sister will get what is coming to her. WHen you step back and think about it, realize how wonderful your life is and how terrible her must be to have to resort to such bull-shit for whatever reason.


Have a great time at the party and know there is lots of BDW love being sent your way!

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Originally Posted by becks View Post
Oh thank GOD! I cannot believe your sister did this and then lied to your father's face about it. What a complete and total b***H!

Personally (and I admit I haven't read thru all of the responses), I'd have a conversation with your sister and make sure that she understands that she is no longer welcome to speak with or have any contact with any member of your family. After the conversation put it in writing and send it via certified mail so that if there is any further conversation you have the basis of filing a harassment lawsuit to get a restraining order.
I think the talk & certified mail is a very good idea!!

SO incredibly sorry that you've been going through with all this BS!
Your daughter sounds very mature & sounds like a great, smart kid! Congrats on raising such a wonderful little lady :) Hopefully your ex-sister gets the idea that she`s not welcome anymore.. and hopefully your parents see what she`s doing & consider talking to her themselves!!
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