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The Nugget Story ... with Pictures! Updated: 6/17/2008 ... She's officially all ours!


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Paul loves this picture with her "after bath" fuzzy hair. It is pretty funny! Not sure you can see it in this picture, but it totally looks like she has highlights - like frosted tips almost!


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Here's right before the bath w/her greasy hair!


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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
I can see the highlights!! People pay good money for that color...lol She is a cute little stretcher for sure, awwwwww!

Love the outfits too! Did I miss something...were you able to go shopping or did Paul bring them?

I know - they're like blonde/red highlights, it's crazy!

It's a combination ... Paul and I did buy a couple outfits, but not much. My mom brought some, some we had from gifts since we've been in CA, Paul's sister brought some yesterday (she just came to CA for a wedding she's in this weekend and stopped by to see Gwen), a friend sent some back w/Paul when he went home last weekend, etc. So we really haven't bought too much, but she's a well dressed girl!
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Ah, that's why she is quite the little fashionista! I was wondering if you had been hitting up Broadway Plaza...lol That was one of my top 5 malls when I live there :P


Very cool that your sis got to see her too. I hope you've been able to get some rest!

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Oh her fuzzy little head is SO cute!!! And those cheeks! She just makes me want to smooch her!

I agree! She is a doll!

I love the stretching! Does she do the little squeaker thing and the big sigh when she get finished? I love baby noises! I think sneezes are about the cutest thing ever! They always look so confused afterwards! LOL
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