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Pissy Ass Mood

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Rachel. I'm sorry your'e in a funk. I know what you mean. Sometimes I just sit and stew for no particular reason.


Here's a joke to cheer you up.


Two canibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says.."Does this taste funny to you?". A ha ha ha ha ha!smile120.gif

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Shit I typed out a git long reply and it vanished!!!fryingpan.gif Here we go again lol


Rachel welcome to my world I wake up in one every bloody day lol


Its usually thinking of my smelly drunk clients that are going to call in to my office unexpectedly, ring up and give me shit or generally scream they want cash lmao


Then of course there is the fact that FI is telling his mother about the wedding in the next few days!!! She is going to go ape shite monkey.gif


And when you think it can't get any worse you are greeted by your spaniel (who thinks he is a german shepherd and has a shitty temper) running into the house with half a cuddly elephant he has eaten hanging out of his arse lol so its out with the muzzle, that makes him worse so i'm stroking him with one hand telling him what a good boy he is (silently thinking I might murder him) and trying to gently pull out the elephant with the other and watching for him to go nuts and nail me lmao


I get it about 90% way out and think screw this he is starting to get proper shitty lol 2 mins later he runs outside and dumps it out!! So its run out quick grab it and throw it in the bin before the eats it again!! NO joke lmao


So between wanting to murder FI for having to invite his mother, horrible arsehole clients who stink and are drunk and having to pull an elephant out of my dogs arse its been an action packed day lmao


NOW don't you feel better that you aren't me pmsl smile120.gif

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hey rachel....


i heard this joke yesterday...


2 cannibals were eating a clown and one turns to the other and says....does this taste funny to you?.....lol ahahaha!


very corny but it was worth a shot, when ever i'm in a crappy mood a dumb joke always seems to help.

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Originally Posted by lucky k72 View Post
Rachel. I'm sorry your'e in a funk. I know what you mean. Sometimes I just sit and stew for no particular reason.

Here's a joke to cheer you up.

Two canibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says.."Does this taste funny to you?". A ha ha ha ha ha!smile120.gif
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!! How the hell did I not see this! I just left the SAME joke!!!

I know where you got it from....ahahaha!

Well here's another,

2 peanuts are walking down the street.....and one of them was a salted!!!!! Ahahahaha!
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Rachel it's ok to be in a bitchy mood. I personally get tired of always being cheerful and nice and politically correct, especially at work when I just want to scream, "What kind of F-ing idiot are you?"


You'll perk up, just give yourself some time. Watch a funny movie, drink something, or maybe call a friend you haven't talked to in a while. Oooh, you could also break out your hs yearbook and be really glad you aren't 15 anymore with stupid hair. That usually works for me!


Big hugs & feel better!

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Originally Posted by Maura View Post
omg harty i am pissing my pants laughing over here about the elephant...... thanks for the pick me up, i was having a shit day too!
It is funny now but an hour ago I wasn't so sure lmao rang FI and said your stupid fecking dog has eaten Meg's elephant (my rotty) and now its hanging out his arse and I can't get it out without him nailing me lol

He said just leave it he'll shit it out!! I thought aye on my bloody floor - pleased its out tho it was driving me mad it hanging out and him running around lmao

Meg was looking at me like "what is that twat doing now" lmao rofl.gif
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