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Cold sores

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Ugggh...sorry dude, I know those aren't pleasant. My best friend growing up got them a lot. I remember her putting a blistex ointment on them but you probably tried that already. I hope it goes away soon.


BTW, I'm cracking up at a memory because when my friend would get them she was so paranoid about it. Eventhough we were like in junior high she wanted to make sure nobody thought it was the down-below kind of herpes so she would be like "It's herpes simplex-1, 2 is the bad one" to anyone who asked what was on her face...we joked that she should get a shirt that read "simplex-1" because she got them so often...haha

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Originally Posted by starchild View Post

BTW, I'm cracking up at a memory because when my friend would get them she was so paranoid about it. Eventhough we were like in junior high she wanted to make sure nobody thought it was the down-below kind of herpes so she would be like "It's herpes simplex-1, 2 is the bad one" to anyone who asked what was on her face...we joked that she should get a shirt that read "simplex-1" because she got them so often...haha
LOL I remember jokes like that flying around HS/MS. The scary thing is that they can be passed "down there" which is why I really hate getting them! I never knew that until about a year ago and so now I'm always super paranoid and wash my hands about a jillion times cheesy.gif

I used to get them and every time I would put Melalueca oil on it and it seemed to be gone the next day. It is my cure for everything (cuts, burns, scrapes, cold sores, etc). I love that stuff!!
Cool! Where do you get that stuff??
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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
LOL I remember jokes like that flying around HS/MS. The scary thing is that they can be passed "down there" which is why I really hate getting them! I never knew that until about a year ago and so now I'm always super paranoid and wash my hands about a jillion times cheesy.gif
I didn't know that either but it makes sense!
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Hi, oh you poor thing, I get cold sores too, and I see Jenn mentioned L-Lysine - they also do a topical cream and I have found that really shortens the healing time - totally recommend it. Also I plan to use it in the month before my wedding to hopefully make sure I don't get any for the big day :)

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Blah I get them all the time too. If I am sick, if I am in the sun too long, if I am overly stressed. I use over the counter stuff like abrevea and some other kind I don't remember the name of it. But I got it at walmart. They usually dry it up really fast but ends up leaving a little scab. BLAH I am going to go to the doctor about a month before the wedding and get something so I am sure not to have one on the big day. They aren't as bad as when I was little, when I was little I would get like two or three at a time. It was bad. I don't have a spleen I don't know if that has anything to do with it but BLAH!

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The L-lysine topical cream really helps shorten the time of outbreak. I also have used topical denavir which is prescription. I almost think the lysine cream works better. My brother-in-law's cousin gets it for us. I hate cold sores. I've only had 4 or 5 ever but two times it was really bad.

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My 1st cold sore was hell on earth..it started with one and then my mom tells me to put polysporin on it, so I put the stuff all over my lips. The next morning, I wake up and I'm full of cold sores alll over my lips - it was DISGUSTING!!!!


I'm now a pro cold sore healer lol I use BLISTEx in the BLUE container. My Dr also gave me a cold sore prescription called ZOVIRAX cream ( it works wonders).

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I've never had one until I picked up skiing a few years ago. It seemed like every time I would be dehydrated and my lips would crack - then the cold sore would pop up. So ever since, I've been religiously keeping hydrated and my lips moist with chapstick and the past couple trips I had not had one. Sorry it is taking so long to heal for you, it is really annoying to have it. I hope it is gone soon...

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