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The Gallery Inn changed my contract-now out of price range

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Ugh, so I havn't updated because things are so messed up with this issue. I emailed the owner, was very nice, and asked for the breakdown, expressed my concern, etc. No answer at all. I contacted several other venues and got quotes however the ones that had availabilty were way out of our range (El Convento had the best customer service though). FI and I decided to suck it up and take up the contract issue after the wedding. I called The Gallery Inn and spoke to the owner-she was horrible to me! I started with "I'm calling to make the deposit on the such and such wedding. I have the contract and thought you should be aware there are 32 guests, not 30. We have 29 adults and 3 children". At which I am interuppted with "I'm not comfortable lowering the price, children drink just as much as the adults." WTF?! Children drink as much as adults? Not when the bride is a damn child protective worker! She proceeds with admonishing me with "my chairs cost at least $100 each, of course I can not give the seven-year old a chair at a table". At this point I am very angry again and tell her "the seven year old will have a chair as the seven year old is my daughter." Owner then says well I'm by the pool right now so I can't take your CC #. I'll call you this weekend. Of course we didn't hear from the place. I spent my entire birthday weekend anticipating a horrible phone call. FI called last night to see what is going on and owner said I was supposed to call her. GRRRRR! So the short is, we are still holding our wedding at The Gallery Inn. I've made copies of all correspondance and after the wedding, I'll let you ladies know how you can help tell this woman what she did was not ok. I'm still upset but I will not let this ruin my day (or FI and "the seven year old")

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Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
Ugh, so I havn't updated because things are so messed up with this issue. I emailed the owner, was very nice, and asked for the breakdown, expressed my concern, etc. No answer at all. I contacted several other venues and got quotes however the ones that had availabilty were way out of our range (El Convento had the best customer service though). FI and I decided to suck it up and take up the contract issue after the wedding. I called The Gallery Inn and spoke to the owner-she was horrible to me! I started with "I'm calling to make the deposit on the such and such wedding. I have the contract and thought you should be aware there are 32 guests, not 30. We have 29 adults and 3 children". At which I am interuppted with "I'm not comfortable lowering the price, children drink just as much as the adults." WTF?! Children drink as much as adults? Not when the bride is a damn child protective worker! She proceeds with admonishing me with "my chairs cost at least $100 each, of course I can not give the seven-year old a chair at a table". At this point I am very angry again and tell her "the seven year old will have a chair as the seven year old is my daughter." Owner then says well I'm by the pool right now so I can't take your CC #. I'll call you this weekend. Of course we didn't hear from the place. I spent my entire birthday weekend anticipating a horrible phone call. FI called last night to see what is going on and owner said I was supposed to call her. GRRRRR! So the short is, we are still holding our wedding at The Gallery Inn. I've made copies of all correspondance and after the wedding, I'll let you ladies know how you can help tell this woman what she did was not ok. I'm still upset but I will not let this ruin my day (or FI and "the seven year old")
Once the wedding is over and you're checking out - be sure to tell her you're going to be in touch with a lawyer, your credit card company and anyone else you can think of to make sure she doesn't see ONE RED CENT for this wedding. Oh, and be sure to tell her you're even willing to create a website dedicated to bashing her and her business. And tell her about BDW and how NO BRIDE FROM HERE WILL EVER CHOOSE HER LOCATION because of how she treated you.

Do you want me to fly down there and kick her A$$?
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Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
Yes, Please! I'm going to social worker hell for wanting to break her legs but this is my wedding for crying out loud!
Once the wedding is over, don't be shy about voicing your dissatisfaction. Let her know you're pissed and that this is FAR FROM OVER. Make sure you leave with her sweating a little bit.
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Wow what a fu--ing BITCH.


i am so sorry you are dealing with this so close to your wedding.


you have to write a 'review' of gallery inn and we will give it its own thread.


just be sure to preface it by "i am stating my experience and opinion..."


that way the owner biotch can't say you are slamming her!

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I am really really sorry to hear this.

This woman is a totaly PSYCHO! If the contract doesn't state they can change the price at any given time, then they can't! I wouldn't budge at all and tell her you are payin hte price stipulated the first time around and when the time comes at the end fo the wedding, pay what you were quoted the first time.

The woman clearly has ZERO customer service skills. UGH! Make sure you post a really nasty review of her and her stupid contract dealings! What a mean woman!

Is there someone else there (corporate) that you can speak with?

Its' ridiculous that you've had not one, but TWO, contacts, and now they have upped the price AGAIN. That is NOT cool, especially with only one month to go. I would tell them that they will lose your business and that they can make contracts and change them last minute!

That is insane!

Do you already have guests booked for there or can you switch to another venue?

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I just read through this thread and I am so sorry that all of this is happening! I understand your not wanting to play hardball with her so close to your big day, but the whole thing is absolutely ridiculous! I would honestly go through every email and piece of paper you have from them and see where it says that 30 vs. 50 people will cost more. If it doesn't, and that issue has NEVER been brought up before, they cannot change the price at the last minute. I got married at a small location, and there was absolutely something in the contract about price based on number of guests.


Also, if your prior contract has everything broken down with decorations, etc included, I would point it out to her. If she wants to charge you full price drinks for the kids, I would suck that up... its probably the least of the issues. Its money-grubbing and crazy to think that a 7 year old will cost as much in drinks as an adult drinking alcohol, but whatever.


She obviously has decided that she didn't like the prices her niece was quoting you. The thing is, whether she likes it or not, that is who she delegated to direct weddings. I would point that out to her... and say that you NEVER would have chosen the location if you had known it would cost that much, and that you have everything in writing for what you were quoted.


I might also direct her towards BDW now, and show her that destination brides are in a way united, and certainly have influence over her potential future clientele. A good review goes a very long way around here, and a bad review, even a mediocre review, can sway someone away from a place.


Are you staying there as well as having the wedding there?

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