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Nacho Friday!


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So we have a fun group of people at work. Every other week or so we do a community lunch. This week it's going to be Nacho Friday. Yummay!


Anyway, the funny thing is we have a new gal in our group. She's from China & she is totally hilarious, I love her. The last group lunch was chili dogs (holy heart burn). Her assigned item to bring was simple - CHEESE. Well, we start putting out all of our fixings, and she pulls 3 Lunchables out of the refrigerator.


"Ummm, Marsha, where is the cheese you were supposed to bring? "


"It's in here" as she points to the lunchables.


She didn't know where to buy cheese & they didn't have any at home, so she stopped at 7-11 and bought the Lunchables cuz they have cheese in them LOL!! Isn't that awesome? She cracks me up completely.


This week she's supposed to bring "toppings" for the nachos - I'm scared.

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christa, i'm off friday, i might be stopping by! j/k, but i do love me some nachos!


oh, wow, sounds SO much better than the leftover spaghetti i brought today sad.gif


oh yah, and that cracks me up about the cheese. there is a thriftway right down the street from your work. wink.gif maybe you should leave an anonymous note on her desk withe the store name and address, and a list of nacho topping ideas :)

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
LOL! I love how you guys are picking the "healthiest" lunches too!

I tried to convince my office to have margarita Fridays. They aren't as cool as your office apparently!
hahaha, ooh, those go good with nachos! oh i am totally going out for mexican asap!
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Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
Lunchables, thats too funny! Hey Rachel, I have been trying to get a Margarita machine and our own Starbucks Barista with no luck too, I mean talk about no fun! Ha!! I love Nachos!!! Enjoy!
See- I'm not out there. I think if we can have coffee at all hours, why not margaritas?! They can be virgin and those that need a little extra kick can spice them up accordingly. LOL

I thought the margarita machine would go nicely in our break room. We have an iced tea machine and soda fountain. Geez!
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Haha! Yes to the margarita machine - how awesome would that be?! You can't tell me there is any major difference between someone having a margi or two & someone that drinks the super-leaded coffee we have here ALL DAY LONG.


Yeah, I can't wait to see what Marsha brings for toppings. She actually just sent an email saying "what are toppings"!

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