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About to sack the MOH!!!

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So after telling her about the wedding in January and being told we will ALL be there, ie her, her hubby (whom i can't stand) and her 2 boys.


Then the hubby, lets name him the arse!, says well can you make it the end of May as thats half term! Said no because it's more expensive, your oldest is bloody 5 it won't kill him to take him out of school for a week, whats he going to miss finger painting!, then oh well can you avoid the 13th because thats his birthday! Said look the wedding is the 15th thats it if you can't make it thats a shame but I'd like you all to be there. She sat there and said NOTHING, and considering she has a huge gob is really surprising!


So a couple of weeks ago she rings me saying have you got the details, said yep and gave her them. She said cool I'll book it on Friday (that was 4 weeks ago!!)


Anyway its her oldest's birthday this week so 2 weeks ago I say are you going to be in i'll drop the pressie off, btw she lives a fair distance away, she said yeah Sunday I'll let you know when. Then as normal I hear nothing!! so I text her on Tuesday night saying what time on Sunday, gets a response 10pm on Sat night!! By this time I was well pissed off so said look i'm busy how about this date that date etc, got no to everything. So I said to FI right thats it i'm sticking money in his card i'm not messing about i'm bloody sick of this. Its gone on for years and now i'm at my limit.


Then this morning she rings me asking for directions to somewhere 5 mins from where I work. I give her the directions and she casually says. Oh I haven't booked up yet. I'm trying to persuade arse to come!! He's told her to go by herself and she said no I'm only going if you come with me !! wtf.gif I couldn't believe she was actually saying this to me about MY Wedding lol


I let it pass and say oh if you're gonna be here can you pop in for the little one's pressie. Now this is good are you ready lol she says NO i need to get back to the office smile43.gif and hangs up lmao


So she is 5 mins away from me and I have to go through to hers about 20 mile away to drop of something it would have taken her seconds to pick up - its not even my fecking KID!!!!


I spoke to FI who went mad because i never get that upset and said get her told or I will lol


I'm now sitting trying to think of how to tell her to piss off without losing my temper, I've decided the friendship is gone but I don't want to be mean, Even tho she can be a right bitch to me.


Phew that feels better lol smile36.gif

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Wow. That's certianly a bunch of wrong doings. First, why would they care if your wedding is during the kid's birthday? That's crazy- it seems like an awesome way to celebrate to me! My mom turned 50 during our stay and she really enjoyed her bday to say the least.


Second, all that trouble over a gift? That's rude and inconsiderate. SHe doesn't even sound appreciative that you even thought about her kids birthday. Geesh- people sometimes.

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Second, all that trouble over a gift? That's rude and inconsiderate. SHe doesn't even sound appreciative that you even thought about her kids birthday. Geesh- people sometimes.
You have no idea lol I buy him more than his parents do for xmas and christmas and all i ever get is "thats ridiculous" and one year she sat and told me how they swapped the kids pressies because they would get bored with them!! I said you mean to say I've just spent £40 on that toy and you've given it to a kid I don't even know. wtf.gif
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i say kick her out. I don't see why she can't go without him, or why he can't go anyway. I know kids birthdays are a big deal, but they could do a little celebration for him there, and when they get home a week later they can do a big party. what's the difference?! And taking a 5 yr old out of school shouldn't be a problem. it's not going to be that many days is it? why can't she go without them for a couple of days? She could have a nice vacation.

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Oh, I would be fuming too. The birthday thing is ridiculous. My brother is spending his birthday traveling to St. Lucia, but he has not complained at all. To show our appreciation, we're going to have a birthday cake for him at our welcome dinner. Do they think you would want the kid's birthday to be ignored? Please, you're not heartless! So stupid.

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Doesnt believe in a 5 year old being taken our of school?? WTF! This guy is a frickin' control freak! Your friend as lost her mind! If this is the stress she is bringing you now, just imaging what she may bring you as the time gets closer. I agree, dump her now!

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So annoying! You might want to start thinking about a new MOH. She sounds totally self centered and into making things about her. I have so lost patience with people like this. They want you to cry and beg them to come and create all this drama unnecessarily. Either she can come or not. End of story!


BTW Hardy, I love reading your posts! Your'e so funny and your Brittish accent/ lingo is da bomb!!! That may sound dumb but i had to say it. lol.

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I have two friends spending their birthdays with us down there... They are soo excited. It's like an added birthday gift to be in Mexico. They are just making excuses. I know at 5 my ideal birthday would be by the ocean swimming with dolphins!

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