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wedding day mishaps (feel free to add your own!)

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So these aren't mine, my dad sent them to me, but thought I would post for your enjoyment and as a place to add your own!


Most Awkward Wedding Moments Ever - Â* Relationships – MSN Lifestyle

Most Awkward Wedding Moments Ever


Cringe-worthy stories from real weddings.


Compiled by Miles Stiverson

Few people would say their wedding day was flawless, but most mishaps are minor and easy to overlook. Some moments, however, are memorable for all the wrong reasons. Here are some stories of the most awkward scenes guests have witnessed at a wedding.




Dirty Dancing


"I was a bridesmaid in a July wedding. After four hours of dancing and having a great time, I needed to sit down and rest. While leaving the dance floor, I mentioned to another bridesmaid that I thought I had gum stuck to my foot (we were dancing barefoot), and on my way to the bathroom, I said, 'Something smells terrible.' I then discovered that what I smelled was actually poop! It was all over my feet, ankles, and on the inside of the bottom of my dress. I broke into hysterics, removed the soiled dress, changed into whatever clothes the girls had available in the bridal suite, and waited until the reception was over."



Food Follies

"When the bride and groom cut the cake and tried to feed each other, the groom actually bit the bride's finger so hard that she bled. He kept eating small bites of cake while her family came up to fix her finger."

"My sister was a bridesmaid in a wedding in which the only beverage they served at the reception was milk -- in a large punch bowl."

"The signature drink left everyone's mouths blue."

Father Knows Best...or Not

"I was at a wedding where the groom's father threw a tantrum and left halfway through the reception. The groom then got really drunk and cried for a good hour or so."

"I went to a wedding where the father of the groom made a speech that included statistics on divorce rates."

"At the reception, the bride's stingy father asked me and several others to pay for our food. I ended up paying for day-old Chinese food -- apparently the bride and groom wanted a well-known Chinese restaurant to cater their reception, only the restaurant doesn't cater, so they picked up the food the night before."

Groomsmen Hijinks

"When one of my good friends got married, the drunken groom decided to moon everyone (at the dinner table) and show them what the groomsmen had done to him the night before -- which was to hold him down and write 'Game Over' on his butt with a Sharpie. Both families were mortified!"

"I attended a wedding where the groomsmen taped 'Save Me' on the bottom of the groom's shoes so that when he knelt down at the altar, the entire church could read it."

Rudeness Begets Awkwardness

"I went to a friend's wedding, and during the ceremony, it was painfully apparent that the officiant was either intoxicated or hadn't slept in several days. After taking us all through the life story of the groom, whom he apparently knew from childhood, the officiant said the following: 'And, Jennifer, I don't know anything about you since you didn't return my calls, but I'm sure you'll produce children just as wonderful as John.'"

"A few extremely rude guests hissed at the buffet-style dinner and walked out 10 minutes after they sat down, claiming they were going to go out to eat. Awkward!"


Here is one I found myself, reading Glamour this month. It isn't goin to be exact, cuz I dont have the magazine with me, but it was something like this...


The MOB was giving a toast at the wedding and she said "Marriage is hard, and these two fight alot.... So, I hope it works out." As the guests were all like....clap......clap.......clap.


Hahhaaaa, I cracked up at the one and told my Mom DO NOT say that!

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the poop thing is so gross! with my ocd, i would probably have had to amputate :)


i went to a second cousin's wedding once. when we got home, there was a call from a family member, the bride had to call the police because the groom was chasing her down the street with a knife!


oh, and at another wedding (same side of the family), 2 of my cousins, who were sisters, got into a fistfight! nice!

oh, and another one, same side of the family, my grandfather found the groom, his now grandson-in-law, passed out on the bathroom floor.

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
Rudeness Begets Awkwardness
"I went to a friend's wedding, and during the ceremony, it was painfully apparent that the officiant was either intoxicated or hadn't slept in several days. After taking us all through the life story of the groom, whom he apparently knew from childhood, the officiant said the following: 'And, Jennifer, I don't know anything about you since you didn't return my calls, but I'm sure you'll produce children just as wonderful as John.'"
HAHAHA!! Priceless!!
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OMG, a girl i work with had something awful happen, but not exactly at the wedding. she just got married in feb. some background, her mom passed away a few years ago and she is still really close and friendly with her stepdad.

she went thru the whole wedding, recpetion, pictures, everything. very early the next morning, she asked her husband, "did you see my stepdad last night?" and realized they didn't see him. they started making calls, and someone went to his house to check on him when no one could get a hold of him.

it turns out he had a stroke the afternoon before the wedding, and not a soul noticed he wasnt there! he was actually unconcious the enitire time!


the good news is that he made a full recovery already, altho he was unconcious, he was still breathing and functioning, just out of it.


so freakin crazy! she felt SO awful. the story came up because we were talking about how there is so much going on at the wedding and how you might not even notice if some people dont show up that were supposed to. man, i would feel SO horrible, like how freakin selfish was i that day! KWIM? poor girl! and stepdad!

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