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To get FI engagement anniversary gift?

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So this morning I got up after my FI went to work and his email was open on the computer (I was not snooping). There was an email titled "Engagement reminder from Hallmark". It wouldnt suprise me if my FI brought home flowers to mark the occasion of the day he proposed. Did anyone get anything for their FI? If so what did you get? We still aren't married yet so I am so confused. smile35.gif

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We are getting married on the same day as when we got engaged so I don't have that problem. If not, I might just do something sweet that day. Like put together a silly card or something. One year Mike sent me a "happy cheeseburger day" email because it was the anniversary of this day we went to lunch together before we were dating.

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Personally, I don't celebrate anniversaries like that - only the wedding anniversary really. I am not even sure I could tell you the day we got engaged, or the day we started dating, etc. To me it's not really a significant anniversary.

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Funny I came across this post - it's our two year engagement anniversary today!!!


We're not getting gifts or anything - but we did say "Happy Engagement Anniversary" this morning!!!


The only reason I remember is b/c it is Cinco de Mayo and I thought it was so cool b/c we got married in Mexico - engaged on Cinco de Mayo....really it was just a fluke b/c it's the day he picked the ring up from the jeweler and he couldn't wait another second to give it to me!!!



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We celebrated our engagment anniversary this year with a nice takeout dinner at home and he bought a bottle of wine, a card and a balloon. I got him a card. We celebrated because neither of us remember the date of our first date!! This one we remembered :)

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Originally Posted by Jenn3878 View Post
We celebrated our engagment anniversary this year with a nice takeout dinner at home and he bought a bottle of wine, a card and a balloon. I got him a card. We celebrated because neither of us remember the date of our first date!! This one we remembered :)
That's exactly how FI and I celebrate a lot of special occasions - birthdays, anniversaries, new jobs, etc. To me there's nothing like enjoying a bottle of wine and good food at home with your sweetie. Plus, we're just starting out, so we can't do extravagant adventures for special occasions just yet!
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Well, I can see that these "one-off" anniversaries are a thing of the past already. Yesterday was the 3 year annivesary of Dean & I meeting and he didn;t een get me a card! He thinks now that we have a wedding date Feb 14th is our anniversary. It's not a big deal to me, so I guess that's lucky for him :P

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