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Guest issue!

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^^ Like you, my mother is also a "main culprit."

She wants to invite the entire world but it's not happening. I told her, When you have a big party, I will not, under any circumstances, invite anyone. At all. Ever. That is just WRONG!


We just all have to stick to our guns and let people know that we have a set guest list and that is it.



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My mom is the main culprit also. I have a HUGE family. I put all my aunts and uncles on the guest list and only two second cousis directly (they're in their 30's and more like my first cousins). I was addressing STD's to & Family. Then my mom started talking to my other second cousins (in their 20's) and told them to save the date and stuff. She doesn't get it that if they are over 18 they need their own invites. She'd have me sending to "& Family" to everyone and think it's covered. She also added on her friends kids (I grew up with them). And when I ask her about mentioning it to people and ask her not to, she just shrugs and asks what the big deal is. I told her I ran out of STD's so stop telling people!


We sent out 140 STD's which equals 300 people - but they won't (better not) all come :)

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We've get to tell the FMIL and when we do all hell is gonna break lose, she has a massive family and so is going to expect EVERYONE to get an invite and no-one is lol


FI has been warned NO-ONE else is coming and if he bowes down to her he is going to Mexico on his bloody own - she won't approach me because she knows she get told to go screw herself lmao

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Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post
We've get to tell the FMIL and when we do all hell is gonna break lose, she has a massive family and so is going to expect EVERYONE to get an invite and no-one is lol

FI has been warned NO-ONE else is coming and if he bowes down to her he is going to Mexico on his bloody own - she won't approach me because she knows she get told to go screw herself lmao
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I think that this is a common problem for many DW's, as I too have similar issues. There are several family members & close friends that we wanted there that have said they will be there, but when it came time to book, they are no longer coming. Oh well.

We are from a small town and my FI is related to almost half the town, but we aren't inviting everyone. There are some of my co-workers that would like to come as well, but my Mom points out that we can't shut down the hospital for a week for everyone to come, and we are already short-staffed. Then she informs them that I have invited a couple LPN's and 1 other RN (besides myself and my Mom) that I work with most often, but we will be having the AHR following.

There have been a few people that have been verbally invited, and they have even been told that those we really want there were given invites, but if they would like to join, they could. As the flights from here are filling up fast with all the Nov weddings, I want to make sure that everyone we have invited that plan to go are able to go before those that didn't receive an invite.

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Originally Posted by deznchris2006 View Post
And when I ask her about mentioning it to people and ask her not to, she just shrugs and asks what the big deal is. I told her I ran out of STD's so stop telling people!

We sent out 140 STD's which equals 300 people - but they won't (better not) all come :)
LOL! I hope for your sake not all 300 come, too! LOL! Ah, mothers! What are we to do? :) bunny_4.gif
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Originally Posted by deznchris2006 View Post

We sent out 140 STD's which equals 300 people - but they won't (better not) all come :)
We sent out 130 invitations to about 250 people, and we're only having about 60 at the wedding.

omg I can so relate!! we are facing the same issue, the family members are complaining that its too much and half of them are not going to make it...and then the friends that we hardly see that we thought would not come--have already RSVPd and booked!!
My FI's mother has not decided if she is coming to the wedding. His mother!!! with three months to go. On the other hand, I went out last weekend with some friends and was followed around the bar by a girl who is a friend of a friend's girlfriend, asking me why she wasn't invited to the wedding and how much she wanted to go. Um, no, I dont even know her. I swear DWs bring out the crazy in people.
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So far no one from my FI side have booked, but still plan to come. They still have a few more months, but we also told them in Oct to start saving, but they haven't. Then my FBIL told his 3 kids that they were coming too, but doesn't even have $ for the deposit to save their spot, so I don't know how he is going to pay for all of them to go to the DR. He is also supposed to be a GM!

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Originally Posted by ethrondson View Post
So far no one from my FI side have booked, but still plan to come.
Exactly the same has happened with us, prob is the flights from where we live book up really quick and if you don't get them you end up having to travel to one of the massive airports, so i think they may have probs! and you know what i don't care will make my life easier lmao

God not long before FMIL is married again!!! and we have to tell her lol bloody dreading it! shots.gif
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With the price of fuel going up, the cost of the trip will probably go up too. Fuel surcharge! I told everyone to get their deposits in to avoid a possible price hike, but that is now their problem, and they can't complain to me!! LOL

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