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PV Dune Buggy Excursion

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If anyone is interested in doing a good group excursion, this one is so fun. I'm not sure what company it is, but I don't think there are many that offer the dune buggies. We took the bus and got dropped off at "Trek's Office" in downtown PV. Thankfully, this IS the bus drop off so it wasn't hard to find. The cost is $60 per person. We all felt it was worth the cost.


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Dune buggies ready to get tore up!


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You get free goggles and a bandana to wear! Woohoo. You can feel like bandits for a day.


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Oh my Lord! After!


This excursion is so fun. Although we wished we could have hauled ass a little more, we went as fast as possible in the winding, curvy roads. There were a few times that I looked over the edge of the cliff and told Steve to slow down- especially coming back down. It was VERY scary- at least for wimps like me.


And you get DIRTY! First mud puddle Steve saw he, of course, drove straight for it. Naturally, he hit it with the wheels on my side and mud splattered all over me. I mean- all over! It's this red, clay mud too so it's not easy to wipe off. Several times I had to remove my goggles and wipe them off.


They take you through 3 streams and it is the BEST part. They stop the whole caravan and let you go through one by one. We had a blast watching everyone go before us and laugh at who had the bigger balls. When it was our turn, Steve floored it and when we hit the water, we couldn't see a thing. The water immediately hit my bandana and I couldn't breathe through the soggy mess. We seriously laughed so hard though that I had a major sideache. They take pictures of this that you can by in the end. We didn't purchase any because Steve went so hard you couldn't even SEE us!


You go up this mountainside until you reach a "waterfall" that you can either buy a drink to see or pay 3 pesos. It's really not a waterfall- by the way. Apparently it is during rainy season but when you can hear NO water falling, I don't think that counts as a water fall. Nonetheless, it was still fun and everyone dared me to jump into the lagoon- which I did. It was so cold, but it was quite refreshing to get all the dust and mud chunks off my face. Also, they sell some jewelry up there and they had BY FAR the best prices. So take some money- in a water proof baggie haha!


After about 20 mins, you jump back in the buggies and head back down. Holy moly- scary. I did not like this part because the brakes are, of course shot, and you can feel the buggy sliding down. You do a quick stop at a tequila tasting place, then zip back to town.


Our carvan got pulled over by the policia for going too fast through town- although I don't really think we did. The guides said usually they just pay off the policia with bribe money but they didn't have any that day. They got a ticket for each dune buggy! I got sunburned waiting for all the tickets to be written out too. This part truly sucked.


You have to turn over a CC in case you damage the dune buggy, but we had a few fender benders during the trip and no one said a thing. I think it's pretty common, but at first I was afraid we would own a dune buggy by the end of the trip. Nope, they don't even care.


Here's some more "dirty" pics-

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My tank after all hell broke loose.


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My sister- looking so fresh and so clean.


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My face! I was so dirty, Steve wrote "Hi" on my forehead. I could have been the poster child for Orbitz gum had I smiled. "Dirty mouth, clean it up."


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My aunt's bum. I kept telling her it looked like she crapped her pants. She didn't believe me til I showed her this pic.


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The girls with the new Tupac.


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Steve & I looking sexy on the bus. Don't hate ya'll.

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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
Sweet! Another great picture story by Rachel. Loving it!
LOL- oh great. It's "storybook Rachel." I talk to much too. I'm surprised more people don't call me this. They probably just talk about it behind my back.
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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
LOL- oh great. It's "storybook Rachel." I talk to much too. I'm surprised more people don't call me this. They probably just talk about it behind my back.
Oh shut it! You are awesome & great...you make me laugh every time I read a post of yours. I love it!
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Originally Posted by carly View Post
Well, since your wedding is over, you can update your "chillest bride" title to "storybook Rachel"
ha- now that's an idea. Although I like chillest bride so when people read my nonchalant reactions to topics they are like "ohhh she's the chillest bride. That's why she isn't empathetic to my freak out." haha although, I'm always empathetic.
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Dune Duggies are a blast...me and jr went on this excursion last october and it is so much fun but it is scary at times. You really get dirty and very wet. This is a must do when going to PV the view is really amazing too. When they take you to the tequila tasting you actually taste like 8 different tequilas and you can buy bottles too. We bought a tequila bottle called "baby maker" it was too good we finished it in one night...lol!!! Rachel Im glad you guys tried it out!!!


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That looks like SOO much fun. If we end up getting married in PV (which we are supposed to decide on this weekend), we will definitely have to do that. My parents and brother really like riding 4-wheelers so I know they will be up for that. Thanks for the fun story and pictures!

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