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What is your favorite wedding TV show?

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Oh my god, I'm watching Rich Bride Poor Bride right now and the groom is INSANE! (Owen & Chris). I have never ever seen anything like it. I hate to stereotype, but this guy seems so flamboyantly gay I can't get over it! But mostly he's just a complete a-hole.

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Originally Posted by xandrafaye View Post
"And when the spark of youth someday surrenders... and I will have your hand to see me through... the years may come & go, but there's one thing I know.. love is all there is when I'm with youuuuuuuuu"

Isn't that the cheesy song from A Wedding Soryhuh.gif Because it's been stuck in my head since I read this thread!!! And for anyone who remembers it... it's sang QUITE cheeseball too!!
LOL you even know the theme song, that awesome!
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Originally Posted by Pisces View Post
Oh my god, I'm watching Rich Bride Poor Bride right now and the groom is INSANE! (Owen & Chris). I have never ever seen anything like it. I hate to stereotype, but this guy seems so flamboyantly gay I can't get over it! But mostly he's just a complete a-hole.

LOL Mat tried to convince me that he actually was flamboyantly gay & the marriage was a cover-up.... I think he was just trying to get me to change the channel!

Aaaaaand now I have the damn Wedding Story song in my head again!!! smile105.gif
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OMG xandrafaye.....now it's in my head too! AHHHHH!!! And those words...oh man, esp seeing them in print! But back in college when I was watching it, I loved to hear it 'cuz I knew an episode was just about to start, good lord!

Cheeseball indeed!!!

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