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My sister, who I love but can be SO annoying, just called me asking if my FI and I could pay for her friend, a guy's ticket to come to our wedding. I told her, as I told him in the past, that this will not be possible, as we are up to our ears in bills and just bought a house in December AND just paid a lot of money back in taxes this week. I did let him know this one year ago, that we would not be able to pay for his ticket. Also, we are not paying for anyone else's ticket so why would we make an exception?

Well she just proceeded to basically dictate to me over the phone about how selfish I am. I only think about me, it's ridiculous for us to have out wedding so far away after just buying a house, etc. I told her that ever since we started dating 4 years ago, our wedding would be in the Caribbean, so that was never an issue. She reiterated that "no matter how you look at it, you're selfish, selfish is exactly what you are." WTFhuh.gif?? THi sis supposed to be my SISTER. My MAID OF HONOR and she is acting like a psycho! I would never say that to her cause she wasn't paying for my man's ticket. WTF? Seriously!

I am the first to get married and know she is prob a little jealous but she really needs to calm down.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I would never say such hurtful things to her. She didn't even apologize. I just said Okay and told her I had to go. I'm at work and really don't need this.

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Umm why would she even think that you would pay for his ticket?! That isn't your responsiblity!! That is selfish of her to even think that for a second! What a guy she is dating... he can't save up enough money in a year to go to the wedding? foshizzle.bmp

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As you're sister, she should KNOW that you already have so much on your plate what with the recently purchased house AND wedding planning!

She should take a look in the mirror before going on a "you're selfish" rant! rant.gif


Originally Posted by jean-marcus View Post
tell her they have had over a year to save up for it and that if he cant pay for it im sure she can survived a couple days with out him





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Maybe she fell out of the bed and bumped her head this morning! lol. She can't be serious. Lol, how are you being selfish when its your own money YOU worked hard for and she wants YOU to use on someone else. Sorry, I find that a bit funny. What's his excuse for not being able to pay with a year advance notice? There is none!

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Thanks, guys. You have all made me feel better!

We have had this planned for a YEAR AND A HALF. So it's MORE than enough time that everyone has known about the date which is just 2 months, 2 weeks and 4 days. But who's counting. :) LOL


She is being such a ding dong!

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