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My bridesmaids hate their dresses!

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Originally Posted by adrianna28 View Post
I think they should've spoken up before. If you have time to return them then go for it. If YOU like them, then too bad for them. If you want to find some affordable cute dresses, go to forever21.com
I really don't think that is fair when the girls are paying $135 for the dresses. No one should want their BMs to feel uncomfortable standing in front of everyone. It's really hard to tell how a dress will look, especially in a VS catalog. They put the dresses on perfect women & then airbrush them. I've gotten some stuff from there that didn't even resemble the outfit in the catalog.

It's expensive & time consuming to be a BM so they deserve some nice pictures too.

Sometimes the girls are just being ridiculous & complaining about every little thing. But, if they truely don't feel comfortable in it then might as well let them return it.

In my 9 times of being a BM, only 1 of the dresses was something I would actually pick out myself. The rest were fine, but I didn't love them. But, I didn't feel like I looked terrible in them. I don't think BMs shouldn't expect to get a dress the love, but they shouldn't have to wear one they hate.
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yea I'm totally with you guys on that too. Since they're paying they should have some say and also they're your friends. If I had to pay for my bm dress for a friends' wedding I would want to be involved in the process and I would want to like the dress and feel like I could wear it again.


I also agree that at this point you're probably better off going to an actual store with your friends and trying stuff on. Since you don't have alot of time, maybe buying something online isn't necessarily the best idea.


Vancouver has some really great stores...I live right downtown and shop more than I want to admit, so if you need any suggestions let me know.


It sounds like by the type of dress you like Tart styles would work perfectly. Their dresses are a really nice jersey material, thick enough to not feel cheap but still comfortable. They're awesome for the beach and you can wear them again. I wear mine to work all the time. And BCBG is great, on sale you're looking at around $150 for a dress and the downtown location has hoards of them and every style possible.


You might also want to consider picking a color and material and letting your BM's find their own. Then you don't have to stress too much and they're free to spend as much or as little as they want.

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That sucks so much that you are going through this, but that happens sometimes when you get dresses online.


What about going to Fairweather and checking there? Also, if you pick a colour and tell them to pick the dress that would work as well. I know you can pay for rush order's at bridal shops as well, so you could look into that.


I wish you the best and hope that all the girls find a dress on time. Fingers crossed.

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I'm sorry to hear that you're having this stress, especially so late in the game! I have to agree though, that you should probably try to find dresses that they're more comfortable in. If they feel uncomfortable, it's going to show in the pictures, not to mention the fact that it could impact your friendship! I agree that BCBG would be a great place to look, especially with their sale on right now. I was in one of the Calgary stores the other day, and they had tonnes of really cute dresses at pretty decent prices. It's worth at least checking out! I was actually thinking about ducking in there again and picking up a couple of dresses for when I'm in Maui for my DW (always looking for another reason to go shopping, ha ha).

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By the way, for my BM's, I picked out 6 different dresses that I liked on the J. Crew website, and just told them to pick whichever one they each like best in my colour. I figure, as long as they're the same colour, it really doesn't make that much difference if they're exactly the same dress or not. It's probably too late to be ordering from any website at this point, but maybe you could just have them each pick a dress they like in your colour and of a similar length?

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thanks for all the suggestions ladies! I really appreciate the help.


well there is no david's bridal here (and I can't imagine finding the time to cross the boarder any time soon) so that's out, but I wish I could.


now I am really ify about doing another online order, because if that goes wrong again it's all over.


I'm thinking just let them do some searching in stores and I will, and hopefully we will find something. BCBG is a great idea, so is le chateau ( the the price for LC is right) it's prom season so I think, hopefully, we'll find something.


it's just like, gosh, I still have to get my jewellery and veil and so on I don't have time to do BM shopping.


wish me good luck!

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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I really don't think that is fair when the girls are paying $135 for the dresses. No one should want their BMs to feel uncomfortable standing in front of everyone. It's really hard to tell how a dress will look, especially in a VS catalog. They put the dresses on perfect women & then airbrush them. I've gotten some stuff from there that didn't even resemble the outfit in the catalog.

It's expensive & time consuming to be a BM so they deserve some nice pictures too.

Sometimes the girls are just being ridiculous & complaining about every little thing. But, if they truely don't feel comfortable in it then might as well let them return it.

In my 9 times of being a BM, only 1 of the dresses was something I would actually pick out myself. The rest were fine, but I didn't love them. But, I didn't feel like I looked terrible in them. I don't think BMs shouldn't expect to get a dress the love, but they shouldn't have to wear one they hate.

Yes, you are right. I've only been a BM a few times so I see your point. I just hate that she has only ONE month to pick new ones!
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I am really sorry about this!!!

David's Bridal orders take between 8-10 weeks.

Could they maybe hit up a department store so they can try everything on at the store and decide for themselves there (with you there/your approval, of course)? Because if they order online and they don't fit, it will create more problems and alterations take time.

Again, so sorry!

Good luck!

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