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Bummed - Terra Noble is way over our budget for the WD...

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Just got word that it would cost nearly $5,000 to have our Welcome Dinner at Terra Noble Art & Healing Spa. I am soooo bummed! We really fell in love with this location while we were there. Honestly I thought since it was pretty out of the way and even many of the locals haven't heard of it that it would be a cheaper option. I believe Priscilla had quoted me around $2k when we last spoke but I just got the Excel sheet from Hector and he says it would cost $4,685 for 50 ppl. The most expensive thing (aside from the $1,200 location fee) is Equipment Rental - $1,100 for tables, plates, glasses, chairs, etc...


FI's family is going to be paying for most of it so we've really got to watch our budget here. Do you think it is possible to stay near our $2k budget somewhere or is that wishful thinking? Time to start researching restaurants that already have tables, chairs, etc! wink.gif


Maybe this will give us an excuse to go back to PV to check out restaurants and "finalize plans"... LOL smile78.gif

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Sooo, Priscilla emailed me today and got the budget down to $2,980. Still a little over our budget BUT it may be doable!!! smile159.gif Certainly waaaayyyyy better than the original quote. FYI the equipment rental was dropped from $1,100 to $250 by switching to plastic plates, cups, etc. Also instead of doing a sit down dinner we will just do a "taco stand" and probably just serve beer/wine/sodas (no margaritas). This also cuts down on food and waiter costs. Plus Priscilla said she will decorate the place nicely with candles for free (cuts out flower costs). They have been very nice in working to accommodate us.




Not sure how we're going to explain/justify all this to FMIL but I'm hoping it will all work out - I just love this place!! :)

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Hmm I've never heard of this place Jamie. how did you hear of it? I take i you saw it on your site visit? I'm glad they're working with you, sounds like a good bunch of people.

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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
Sooo, Priscilla emailed me today and got the budget down to $2,980. Still a little over our budget BUT it may be doable!!! smile159.gif Certainly waaaayyyyy better than the original quote. FYI the equipment rental was dropped from $1,100 to $250 by switching to plastic plates, cups, etc. Also instead of doing a sit down dinner we will just do a "taco stand" and probably just serve beer/wine/sodas (no margaritas). This also cuts down on food and waiter costs. Plus Priscilla said she will decorate the place nicely with candles for free (cuts out flower costs). They have been very nice in working to accommodate us.


Not sure how we're going to explain/justify all this to FMIL but I'm hoping it will all work out - I just love this place!! :)
Jaime is great to hear that Pris and Hector are working out your budget so you can have your WD at Terra Noble! cheer2.gif
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Originally Posted by Raeka View Post
Hmm I've never heard of this place Jamie. how did you hear of it? I take i you saw it on your site visit? I'm glad they're working with you, sounds like a good bunch of people.
When we met with Priscilla from Prisar Vallarta she took us up there. It's up in the mountains above downtown. I guess I neglected to write a review on that too... smile35.gif

Originally Posted by edna View Post
Jaime is great to hear that Pris and Hector are working out your budget so you can have your WD at Terra Noble! cheer2.gif
Yes, they are very nice. Thanks again for helping me get into contact with them!
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