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$300 in good/receipts per person? customs

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For those brides who already dragged stuff down to Mexico - can you bring in $300 worth of goods per person, so that my FI can bring $300 worth of goods and I can bring $300 worth of goods? And how do you fake receipts - the out of town bags I bought are more that $300 after shipping/tax/handling (before screenprinting, but I can totally ignore that part). Unless I just show them the receipt for the screenprinting and they can think the bag cost is inclusive?


And I don't have a receipt for the pashminas because I bought them through you gals...


Sorry, getting worried!

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Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
My gosh - I was thinking about this this morning too. Does this apply in PV too?

Is it $300 per person? I know in PV they made us go through customs as a family. (me, FI and kids). Yikes!
I would assume sohuh.gif
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If you are not leaving the goods behind, does it matter? I mean, it's not like you have to claim your clothes and everything else you bring with you, so why your gift bags? I thought there was only a limit to the value of items you bring and leave behind (let's ignore for a moment the fact that you're not the one bringing them back, other people are, I don't see how that should matter)

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hi! i made my receipts on the computer. just make up a company...i had everything from that one company and totally reduced the prices. keep the receipts on you, not in the bag. i had things separated so that there were "$300" in each person's bag, and i had a receipt for each bag. they put my bags through the scanner, but did not go through them because i had receipts. really they are just concerned about bringing in items that you will resell. the customs there is a system where you press a button, green light you are good...red light you get checked. i was questioned before i even pushed the button. could have been because we had so much luggage. you can also have some friends and family bring some stuff for you. they were really nice though, i wouldn't be too worried, just have receipts in case.

i am not sure about the amount being $300...i read that someone on this website that someone had posted. good luck!

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