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OOT Bags/Welcome Info...where are

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you putting all of the information?


Meaning, are you putting it "IN" something, like a folder or something along those lines or just chucking it into the bag?


I feel like we have a ton of paper stuff going in there - maps of the resort, welcome brochure, separate invites to the welcome dinner, rehearsal cocktail reception, list of stuff to do, photo share cards, postcards from paradise, photo scavenger hunt, list of guest's room numbers... blah blah blah...


What I am really looking for and would love to find are the type of document holders that we received our Bed Bath & Beyond registry info in... anyone know where to find something like that?


If not, what did you do/or are planning on doing?



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Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
I'm making door hangers that say welcome and have information packets attached. I think I saw it in Martha Stewart. I havn't made them yet though so no pic sad.gif

Check these threads out.
I made these but ended up cutting off the hanger part because I didn't want to put guests at risk.
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