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Strip Club for Bachelor Party?


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It doesn't bother me. In fact, we've gone together before and got to be judges for the amateur night :)


I even take pole-dancing classes.. but for fun and the workout. Jayson would much rather see me doing a pole dance than some random girl anyways..

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i'm not bothered by it at all....he goes every once in a while with the guys and then comes home and tells me EVERYTHING! i trust him to the fullest and well lets face it...would you rather them be honest with you or tell you they won't go and then they do and lie to you about it. tim's brother went to the strip club for his bachelor party 10 YEARS AGO and his wife still doesn't know.....because she would freak! i would just rather him be honest about......although the one thing that does bother me......is the money that they waste there.....lol!

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Jessica and Jacquelyn - Great posts! I totally agree! For me it is not about trusting FI - which I totally do - it's about what goes on there - and like Jessica said - I don't think FI would want someone feeling me up and down half naked so what's the difference? How come there are so many more GIRL strip clubs then there are GUY strip clubs? It's a double standard if you ask me. That being said - FI an I went to a strip club about 5 months ago w/ some friends - and surprise surprise to me the girl were BUCK NAKED! AHH! I have never ever been that close to another va-jay jay in my life and I never want to be! It was very wierd and disturbing and FI and I were laughing so hard the whole time! There were so many gross people there - not just the strippers but the old men, just dirty people. I even asked one of the strippers how she did it - I said to her "How the hell do you get up there and dance naked for all these guys?" and she said "A lot of smoke" meaning weed!! LOL! I was like EW! DIRTY DIRTY! It was the first....and last.....time I will ever go to one. It just isn't my thing I guess.

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Originally Posted by Dbld78 View Post
i'm not bothered by it at all....he goes every once in a while with the guys and then comes home and tells me EVERYTHING! i trust him to the fullest and well lets face it...would you rather them be honest with you or tell you they won't go and then they do and lie to you about it. tim's brother went to the strip club for his bachelor party 10 YEARS AGO and his wife still doesn't know.....because she would freak! i would just rather him be honest about......although the one thing that does bother me......is the money that they waste there.....lol!

completely agree. I really wouldn't care if he went to one, but only if he didn't spend more than $10. I know some guys that blow hundreds at strip clubs. That would make me really upset.
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Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes View Post
thanks, girls.

i really do trust him - that's not what i'm getting at.

the thought just sickens me ... like that kind of intimacy is only supposed to be shared with me. I also think it bothers me more because we are about to make this huge commitment to one another, etc.

i'm going to talk with him tonight and really let him know what i think about it. hopefully we can come to some kind of compromise - maybe no lap dances or something.

i also think that we're going to have my bachelorette party that night, too. i think that will help - at least i won't be alone and obsessing about it.

I think this is how I feel too. I don't really care if he goes to one, just not right before the wedding. I also don't like the idea of bachelor parties being one last big night before you get tied down. If you are marrying someone you should have been commited long before the wedding. I wouldn't want him to do anything before the wedding that he wouldn't do after.

We are having parties, but they will be pretty wholesome. I don't think either of us feel like we have anything we need to get out of our system before we get married.
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We actually decided to do a joint party once we are in Mexico. We didn't really feel the need to have a big shabang and get stuff out of our system. It will also be a good way for all our friends to finally meet and get to know eachother.

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I am really not bothered if he does go lol he's in the forces anyway so has probably done much worse things lol


I went to a rugby do once and I was the only girl among 60 blokes (not including the strippers) i laughed so hard i nearly wet myself lmao


There again i'm so laid back i'm horizontal lol

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