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Okay I have searched and searched and all that, I know there are TONS of threads on this, but maybe I missed the answer to my question....huh.gif


For the Boarding Pass STD, can I just use an open end envelope and cut the slit or whatever to make it look like the ticket holder instead of downloading that template...? Has anyone tried that....?? Any thoughts...??

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I thought about doing that. My only problem with it was then I would have to buy the open ended envelopes, and then BIGGER envelopes to put them in. So it would be a lot pricier.

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Originally Posted by AMANDA310 View Post
Okay I have searched and searched and all that, I know there are TONS of threads on this, but maybe I missed the answer to my question....huh.gif
For the Boarding Pass STD, can I just use an open end envelope and cut the slit or whatever to make it look like the ticket holder instead of downloading that template...? Has anyone tried that....?? Any thoughts...??
Sorry I just saw this thread, I bought number 10 cards from Michaels. They were the cream color I wanted which worked out well. I cut the appropriate slit and then carefully glued the edges, I also took about an inch off off of the top of the card. It made a perfect ticket holder and I felt it was easier than using card stock. My card stock looked very crunchy at the ends each time I made a fold. Hope this helps.
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That's what I did. When you fold the cardstock there is this tool called a bone something at Micahels that makes really crisp creases. It was great!


Here's where my STD are and what they looked like:



Then I put them in a regular, business size Metallic envelope. Paperandmore.com has the best prices!


I also included a travel letter/registration form from our TA that I didn't want in the STD folder.

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