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Tattoo Wedding Rings

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Ok... so I know the idea of a tattoo wedding ring may sound strange, but I think its actually kind of cool! I was showing one of the doctors at the hospital I work at my engagement ring the other day, and he showed me his white gold wedding ring. It is really nice with a simple celtic design. When he took it off to show me, he had the exact same design tattooed on his ring finger. He's a surgeon, so I guess when he operates, or when its not appropriate for him to wear jewellery, he takes it off, and still has the sentiment of his wedding ring, but in tattoo form!


I mentioned it to my fiance, and he thought it was pretty cool. He's not a surgeon, but liked the idea!


Anyone else know of anyone with tattooed rings??

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Originally Posted by LisaG View Post
My friend and her hubby have the infinity sign on their ring fingers. Looks pretty cool!

I bet that looks neat. FI and I actually have matching infinity tattoos on our lower stomach. We got them before he left for Iraq a couple years ago and we had just met! Thank goodness I was right when I felt he was the one!
I love the meaning and sentimental value behind tattoos. I say go for it!smile123.gif
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We were going to do this - FH can't wear rings at work (he's an auto mechanic) and already has a bunch of tattoo's so it seemed natural that he would get a tattoo ring. However...when we talked to his tattoo artist about it, he said he won't do it. sad.gif He said there's two reasons - one is that the skin on the bottom of your hand gets beaten up so much that eventually the tattoo would dissappear on the bottom. Also, he said that the skin on your fingers changes a LOT so what is a nice design now, will look all funny down the road unless you get a plain black band.

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I'd love to do this...but I think my FI would probably pass out having it done! hahahahahaha He's a big tough guy until it comes to needles! Gotta love him!


We have a couple people at work that have this, and I think it looks really cool. Simple designs seem to work the best, otherwise it ends up looking like you have 'ring around the finger' dirt on your hand!pinkie.gif

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I am going to be the kill joy of this group, but since my 12 year marriage to my first husband, the father of 3 of my children and my childhood sweetheart, didn't last forever, I don't think it is such a great idea. As much as I love E, and am pretty sure he is forever, shit happens! I am a realist, not a romantic, seen too much, been through too much, and know too much. Most likely not a popular response but an honest one:)

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An honest response is always a good response... but for those romantics out there who are willing to go through laser surgery in the event of...... then I say go for it if you can find a simple design that you like! Next time I see the doc at work that got his finger tattooed, I'll ask him if it hurt.. his only goes over the top portion of this finger, not all the way around. But you totally cannot tell unless you look between his fingers.

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