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Matron/Maid of honor Dilema

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Girls actually did that? WOW!

I have two girls and FI only has one guy. I thought about having them all walk together but I'm afraid if anyone blinked the wedding party would already be by them. I think I'm going to just have the girls walk alone and have the BM stand by FI. You could have them all walk together (like you would do if numbers were uneven) or have the women walk separately. I wouldn't sweat about it too much!
yeah, i think it's kind of common to rank them. Sometimes its how long you've known them which isn't bad. But I've seen where it's who you are closest too. I got bumped from last to 3rd after throwing her bachelorette party & another BM didn't pay for her dress :) Score!
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I'm having a Maid and a Matron of Honor. My sister is my Maid of Honor and my best friend (who convienently is getting married before in Aug) is my Matron of Honor. In terms of who is responsible for what on the wedding day, I've just decided to have my sister be the one to sign the wedding papers and stand next to me during the ceremony -- I think it's usually harder to argue with choosing family over friends (in most cases, not all) and I think in my case feelings are less hurt all around if the traditional duties are left to my sister.


But I thought of a way to honor how special my best friend is to me (which is why I asked her to be my MTOH in the first place) and incorporate her into the ceremony. I'm going to ask her, along with a long time friend of my fiance's who is not the BM, to participate in the hand ceremony after we exchange our rings. There are always ways to show people that they're important to you, even if they're untraditional (hey, a DW is still relatively untraditional right? :-) ) and a lot of times it can mean just as much if not more if you find a way to personalize her participation in the event in a way that is satisfying to both of you.

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Thanks everyone for your ideas and feedback... i am definitelly going to have the BM walk out with both of them... and of course my sister means the world to be and i've decided she will be the one signing the documents...


ahh that was easy... now to tell the maid of honor shes not signing (she thinks this is her wedding and always has her 2cence with everything... ugh)

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Originally Posted by Bavaro-Princess View Post
... and of course my sister means the world to be and i've decided she will be the one signing the documents...

I'm not sure if you know, but I dont think you can have a blood relative sign documents in the Dominican Republic.

Does anyone else know this?
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
yeah, i think it's kind of common to rank them. Sometimes its how long you've known them which isn't bad. But I've seen where it's who you are closest too. I got bumped from last to 3rd after throwing her bachelorette party & another BM didn't pay for her dress :) Score!
I have NEVER heard of this!!! I think if you can rank them then they aren't really all close enough to be a BM! That sounds like some people get picked to have even numbers or something. I would be ticked off if I was in a wedding like this. I have 1MTOH and 2 MOHs and no BMs b/c I couldn't decide. My sister is Matron, my BF from kindergarten and my BF from college are MOH.
Anyway I just had to comment b/c this just sounds so crazy to me. Every wedding i have seen has been according to height.
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I had a MOH and MTOH and DH had no one. Just send them down individually. It's not like you have 10 people and it will take forever.


As for who goes first - take the stress off - go by height. Tallest goes first so they will be farthest from you and both can see the ceremony.

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