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My Bridesmaids gifts.....I think?

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Originally Posted by cessyboston View Post
well i would think family would not want to miss your special day and paying them off is not what you need to do, just be thoughtful and they should know you apriciate them
You would think so.....

My relationship with my sister is a sticky one, we have never been really close because everything has always been a competition. I'm the oldest and she suffers BIG time from middle child syndrome. Everything has always had to be "fair" with her. She got married first, bought a house first....and I thought that, that would have settled the competitive side of her but it didn't.

The minute we decided to have our wedding in Charleston (which when she was planning her wedding my parent suggested she have her wedding there). She FLIPED out!!!! Called us selfish, told us we should pay her and her husband for missing work.....pay for there travel expenses....and my dad told her "don't come....Chris, if it's such and inconveince, then don't come" and I really feel bad for my dad. He's so excited that we're having our wedding there and he gets nothing but guilt trips and lectures from her because he wasn't this excited about her wedding, to which he responds....of course not to her, she got married in our church, she had her reception at a resturant that we've eaten at a million times....her wedding was great but I've already seen everything. My parents are really stuck in the middle.

So in closing.....(sorry for the rant) this is really why I feel the way I do about my girls...

Oh and not to mention gas prices will be $4 a gallon by then....she's already called me and emailed me stating...."You picked a hell of time to get married....your wedding is gonna cost me a fortune". Don't worry it's not affecting her trip to Italy in September at all....hint, hint....that because that's something she WANTS to do!wtf.gifhuh02.gifsmile105.gif
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wow i am really sorry you are dealing with this sounds like her issue not you and your soon to be hubby, have faith it wiill all work out sounds like the rest of your girls and guests will be happy they are there .. what i have learned not to focus on one person but the many others that are there..hope this gets better for you..pay no mind to her shes just be bratty...

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Originally Posted by cessyboston View Post
wow i am really sorry you are dealing with this sounds like her issue not you and your soon to be hubby, have faith it wiill all work out sounds like the rest of your girls and guests will be happy they are there .. what i have learned not to focus on one person but the many others that are there..hope this gets better for you..pay no mind to her shes just be bratty...
Thank you! She is a brat....and it's funny because she's always called me and my brother the spoiled ones! Yeah it really does suck that she's like this... years ago before either of us were getting married my dad told us that he forbaed us from being eachother's MOHs and so when she got married her best friend was hers....so I'm not having one at all...in part because I don't want her to feel bad....

It's crazy because she is a really funny person and great to be around when she's calm and or she's had a few drinks.....I just wish we had a better relationship. People have always said, when you two get older you'll be best friends......LOL....I'm not to sure about that one!
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Originally Posted by Dbld78 View Post
she's already called me and emailed me stating...."You picked a hell of time to get married....your wedding is gonna cost me a fortune". Don't worry it's not affecting her trip to Italy in September at all....hint, hint....that because that's something she WANTS to do!wtf.gifhuh02.gifsmile105.gif
stfu.gif are you kidding? i have the same sort of relationship with my younger sister, and if she said that to me, i would tell her, dont come if youre going to be a bitch.

she's bitching about charleston when she should be thanking you for not picking something like cabo for crying out loud!
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Originally Posted by mauraw View Post
stfu.gif are you kidding? i have the same sort of relationship with my younger sister, and if she said that to me, i would tell her, dont come if youre going to be a bitch.

she's bitching about charleston when she should be thanking you for not picking something like cabo for crying out loud!
AHHHHAHAHA! Oh Maura.....if you only knew! You would think that but....she said that our wedding isn't a "real" destination wedding because it ISN'T on an island or Mexico....she's been to Charleston too many times....and therefore it's not a "real" destination..... and I corrected her by telling her that Charleston is the 3rd most popular destination for destination wedding in the continental US..... to which she responds "still I've been her too many times!" So she would be more than happy to pay for the travel expenses if our wedding was somewhere she'd want to go...

I can't F ing WIN! She's just really bitter and jealous.....because our WHOLE family is really excited about our wedding. Don't get me wrong her wedding was a great time but it was a cookie cutter wedding.

But that's funny, now we can vent about our sister to one another....thanks for making me laugh....it's good to know that someone else has a bratty little sister too!smile03.gif
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Originally Posted by carly View Post
Danielle, I think everything looks great! I love those little suitcase things! I want one!!!!!!!
Well you know Carly....we talked about this at Tammi's and I've been really giving all that a lot of thought....So I cut out the tote bags...$30 a piece and am using those adorable suitcases....I know I'm going to buy some for me too. I was at Tim's cousin's baby shower on Sunday and she got one filled with all these cute clothes so I searched for them and they range from $8 for the smallest to $16.

Talulah Online.com
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