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Too much???

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Thanks too all the creative people here at BDW I think I now have too many ideas! So here is the problem, for the ceremony I am planning to put fans in each chair which I have wrapped in ribbon and added a silk orchid. I also want to put a little organza bag with silk rose petals for everyone to throw as we walk back down the aisle at end of ceremony. I really want 1 cool pic of this! But now I kinda want to do a program too. I have seen people attach the program to the fan, but with the flower and ribbon already on there I think it's too much going on. But a fan, rose petals, and a program is alot to put in each seat!


What to dohuh.gif I already have the fans done and I have the petals and organza bags already too.


And one more problem- we have 26 total people coming. Minus 3 BMs, 3 GMs, and the 2 of us leaves 17 people and 1 baby in the audience. Should we have moms and aunt come in as part of wedding procession? I think they are expecting this to happen, but I think it's kinda silly given how few people are going to be there.

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I went through all this too. I was and still am so happy I found this site but there are so many ideas that you can't help but want to do them all and then get overwhelmed!


I say that since you have the other stuff done already then forget the programs! You have the exact same number of people as I do and it's so little that at some point throughout the weekend, etc... they will all come to know who is who and a program is not really necessary!


If you still want to do something like that then work up a newsletter or welcome note in your oot bags if you are doing those and include the program info in there...and then when they get introduced to someone "hey this is so and so" then they can remember oh he is the brother of the groom...

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I agree, forget the programs, thats a lot on one chair for one person. The OOT bag inclusion is a great idea Michelle. Could you maybe just honor moms with a rose ceremony or something similar? Can you ask your mom her thoughts, maybe she could care less.

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We had fans and rose petals in bags on every chair. We had 18 guests, so about the same number. I think for a smaller wedding, a program really isn't necessary. Like Michelle said, just put that info in your welcome letter in the OOT bag or something.


As for the moms and aunt, I think I would have them seated. The procession doesn't need to be half of your wedding... You could do something to incorporate them though. I think its cool when the bride has 2 flowers from her bouquet that are removable... as you walk down the aisle, you give one flower to each mother.

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I haven't figured out how to multi-qoute, so thanks for all the advice ladies! I really like the removeable rose idea, and that could be a surprise for both moms.


Since I'm already on the verge of doing too much, I have one other idea that came to me in the shower this morning. What if I put a list of scavenger hunt photos for everyone to try and capture. For instance: a speedo gone wrong, a sweet moment between the bride & groom, someone with their "dance face" .... you get the idea. I was already planning to ask everyone to upload thier pics to our shutterfly account so this would just make for good scrapbook pics. Too muchhuh.gif

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