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Weigh-In Day-- Fess Up!


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I am SO sad! I am actually UP two pounds this week - I think it's my vacation weight catching up with me:


Before Christmas/New Years I was down 9.9 (never did break 10 though!) pounds

Then I gained 3.4 over the holiday so now I'm down 6.5 pounds.


I almost cried yesterday at the meeting when I weighed!

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You're so right Sarah! I do have time to go to the gym but I confess I'm really lazy hahaha, but even going 2 or 3 times a week really makes a difference!

Glenda I know it's hard but maybe you can work out on weekends, or if 1 or 2 days a week you end work early you can go those days..


I hate excersing but it works like magic.. Right now I feel I really have to go.. but I haven't 'cause I've been busy at work (getting home at 10 or 11 almost every day) and this forum keeps me busier blush2.gif

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Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
I am SO sad! I am actually UP two pounds this week - I think it's my vacation weight catching up with me:

Before Christmas/New Years I was down 9.9 (never did break 10 though!) pounds
Then I gained 3.4 over the holiday so now I'm down 6.5 pounds.

I almost cried yesterday at the meeting when I weighed!

Kash - look at the end result, your DOWN 6.5 pounds! The holidays, and a long vacation will do that to anyone. DOn't be so hard on yourself - I think you're doing great - I'd be quite happy to be down that much. Just keep at it, and you'll see more results in no time!
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Originally Posted by akh View Post
Kash - look at the end result, your DOWN 6.5 pounds! The holidays, and a long vacation will do that to anyone. DOn't be so hard on yourself - I think you're doing great - I'd be quite happy to be down that much. Just keep at it, and you'll see more results in no time!
Thanks darling! I know - you are right. I guess I was just so relieved my first week when I weighed in after vacation at only 1.4 up... so I wasn't expecting to go up AGAIN. But in my (weight's) defence I DID eat Italian food TWICE and even ate a peice of cake.

I have a tendency to be too hard on myself (at least I know) but my sweet FI and I talked through it last night and he's going to help me count up the points in our dinners (which he makes for us since he's out of work right now). Whenever I count up the points AFTER I eat I always realize that's I've eaten WAY too much. So now he's going to write down what ingredients and in what quantities he uses ahead of time so I can count up the point BEFORE I eat.

On another note - I have not been exercising AT ALL! sigh.... I need to get on that!
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Originally Posted by SASSYGIRL View Post
I am down 6lbs since starting bootcamp the Monday after Thanksgiving. I know I am a lot stronger than when I started. My clothes are fitting better and I can run futher everyday (still not a full mile with out walking some of it.)

As far as the diet part our instructors make us commit to not eating the following things after 3PM each day:
Refinded Sugar

This is easier than given up those items forever but trust me at 2:59 I am seaching for my last bite of yummy stuff. The idea behind the 3PM cut off is that your body starts to shut down for the day after that time and will store everything you put into your mouth. In the morning when we work out it is better to have protien and veggies that have been stored rather than pizza and pasta.

Also the other thing they really stress is drinking at least half your body weight in oz. every day. This is a lot of water but I guess it is what your body needs to work its best!

Thanks Rebecca for keeping us all on track - you are our own little WW meeting leader! I love it! I also think it is awesome that you have continued to hold your self accountable AFTER the wedding. I am sure your hubby loves it too! smile03.gif
No problem Sarah! You seem to be doing really great. Keep up with the excercise and diet. I remember it was coming off really slowly, then BAM it started dropping off really fast and people started really noticing. That is a great feeling and really motivates you to keep going! It is important to keep up with the diet and excercise together though! Running is really great and if you keep that up, you will defnitely see your body start changing FAST!

It has been hard to keep on track after the wedding. I still need to lose 6 lbs to get back to my wedding weight. It is really hard when you don't have the wedding goal!

Thanks for the 3:00 PM tip. My husband and are going to try that!
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Originally Posted by LALA View Post
I feel your pain Glenda- suit all day, no breaks, etc. The only bonus I have over you is a set end time to work. I'm at the gym at 5:30 pm.
Maybe these tips will help:
- work out both weekend days. Even if it's just walking a lot, bundle up and head outside.
- try getting up 30 min earlier. It's not a drastic change for you sleepwise. You can do some squats, crunches, lunges - all quiet activities.
- I second that walking more during daily activities. Get off one subway stop early and walk the rest.
- Get a step counter and set goals for steps per day. You'd be amazed how many steps you can cram in.
Good idea! You's be surprised the workout you'll get from squats, push ups & crunches. You could get some dumbbells and incorporate that into your work out. That would be plenty. Have you tried Pilates??
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Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
Thanks darling! I know - you are right. I guess I was just so relieved my first week when I weighed in after vacation at only 1.4 up... so I wasn't expecting to go up AGAIN. But in my (weight's) defence I DID eat Italian food TWICE and even ate a peice of cake.

I have a tendency to be too hard on myself (at least I know) but my sweet FI and I talked through it last night and he's going to help me count up the points in our dinners (which he makes for us since he's out of work right now). Whenever I count up the points AFTER I eat I always realize that's I've eaten WAY too much. So now he's going to write down what ingredients and in what quantities he uses ahead of time so I can count up the point BEFORE I eat.

On another note - I have not been exercising AT ALL! sigh.... I need to get on that!
Don't get too down on yuorself Kash. We've all been there! I gained 8 lbs from my wedding until after Christmas! Just think that if you weren't doing WW it could have been WAY worse than 4 lbs. You are paying attention now, even though you may have had a couple moments of weakness. You weighed in, got a wake-up call and we're starting a new week!
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Okay, I weighed myself this morning because I forgot yesterday, I'm up one pound from Monday, which is when I weighed myself last, but now I'm doing fridays. But I'm okay with the one pound because I've been exercising a lot and I had such a huge loss last week which I'm sure was just from my body adjusting. So, total of 6.4 lbs lost, right now.

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Originally Posted by jilly76 View Post
Okay, I weighed myself this morning because I forgot yesterday, I'm up one pound from Monday, which is when I weighed myself last, but now I'm doing fridays. But I'm okay with the one pound because I've been exercising a lot and I had such a huge loss last week which I'm sure was just from my body adjusting. So, total of 6.4 lbs lost, right now.

6.4 lbs that is awesome! Congrats and keep up the good work! smile159.gif

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