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What do you want to know from us Married Gals?

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Hi everyone, I am going to chime in with a bit of unsolicitied advice! Hope that's ok....I love threads like these!


DH and I loved everything about our wedding, and we did do some things that our family questioned (like learning a choreographed first dance, making our own truffle favors, etc.) But in the end, those were the things that we loved about our wedding. So, if something is really important to you, do it. Don't worry about what other people have done in the past, or what people think you should do, just do the things that actually mean something to you. That, IMHO, is what makes your wedding special. And if you just want to throw traditional stuff out the window and hang on the beach with your friends and family, do that!!


The best weddings I have attended were the ones where the bride and groom's personality showed through - and those were also the ones where B&G looked happiest!


Oh, and try not to stress out too much the day of the wedding. smile41.gif Allow more time than you think you will need so that you aren't rushing around - nothing is worse than a tight schedule! (Been there, done that!) Oh, and at the reception, take a moment to just stop and look around at everything and everyone. I love remembering being at dinner with my new husband, and just looking around the room taking it all in, thinking "Wow, I can't believe we're finally here, and finally married!" Yes, I really did that. I'm such a sap sometimes. cheesy.gif

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Originally Posted by anacgarcia View Post
Thanx a lot natasha!! that sheet really helps to get an Idea of what we really need, I had missed many things.. thanx a lot!! smile03.gif

Do you by any chance have a picture of the floating flowers in the pool I want to have an idea of how much do I need to buy..
You know - I don't. Also, the candles blew out! When I asked my husband if that was something we could have not done, though, he said, "no - I really liked them" so he must have noticed them! The real big impact factor, though, is having the candle bags line the perimeter of the pool. It's beautiful
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Couple of additional items not included on the spreadsheet:


-PhotoAlbum or Photobook

-Additional prints

-Albums for parents (we bought them 10 inch digital photo frames and loaded them up with photos from the wedding instead and they LOVED them)

-Hair and Makeup


-Spa appointments

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I'm really going to go bankrupt!! When you do the sand ceremony is that included in your WC price or do you have to pay extra for that stuff? I swear it's the little crap that drives me crazy. Like in traditional weddings that take place at home, people buy unity candles, and the knife for the cake. That is so annoying to me! Uggh who wants to be bothered with those minute details.



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Originally Posted by NATASHA View Post
Check out the little flowers with the candles in front of the pool. What do you think of something like that?

This is my dad and MIL, btw.

Click the image to open in full size.
I like that!!! I have to buy tons of votive candles.. the pool is really big at the FA and I want candles everywhere.. I definitely need to go on a 2nd site visit... damn..

Thanks girls!!!
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OK - here are mine (I just found this thread and literally read all 11 pages straight through!):


1. In the end was it worth all the money?

2. For those who are non-AI how much was your bar tab at the end of the night?

3. (For those people who bought expensive dresses) In the end was it worth it having your dream dress or would it have been just as good in a cheaper version (too late for me! but just curious)

4. What is the minimum # hours someone should hire a photographer?

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