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Catholic Church Ceremony

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Hanssel called Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish. They said the donation would be 1500 pesos for 2007. We need to wait until Nov. 1st to reserve the dates but they faxed him all the info we need!


That is no where near the $2500 us dollars the WC was charging!

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I know! I'm so excited! I don't think that we are going to use the outside WC, as much as l like her taste, she is just charging too much.


But I've been able to finde vendors on my own (thanks Anny for the search engine) and I just rec'd the contact info for the photog in PV that I like, Paulina Ulloa. I'm going to email her today and see what she charges!

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Amy your using Dazzling Details as your WC? Anny I am doing a symbolic wedding in Mexico and getting legally as well religiously married in the church in NY.

I was going to use them but I think she is overcharging for a lot. I've been able to find vedors on my own and my FI has been calling them all day and getting great rates so I don't think I'm gong to use DD anymore. I'm just going to use Marilu at Dreams (I'm waiting for her reply to confirm my date!)
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Oh if DD is overcharging then you should def just stick to Marilu. Uggh I am anxious for you, I want your date to be July 4, 2008! Hurry up Marilu!!! LOL. Anny this is the one aspect of my wedding that is giving me the most stress. My FI doesn't care for the church so he just wants to go to court and get it done quickly and the have our symbolic wedding in Mexico. But I want to get married by the church so we will probably do it before we go to Mexico. I don't know how it is in Mexico but here when you marry by the church the religious ceremony counts as a ceremony and then the priest and the bride and groom sign the marriage certificate and you are legally married as well. My problem is that I know my priest is not going to be happy with the fact that we are also getting married in Mexico. And all of his family and mines wants to come to the church b/c they are cheap and don't want to go Mexico. So this means we will have to have some kind of reception after the church and it will pretty much defeat the purpose of having a DW. So I'm going to see if the priest would be willing to marry us in a private church ceremony with just us and our witness. Basically if he says yes we are going to lie to our family and tell them we just got married legally in a court. This is the only solution I can think of. smile124.gif



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