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Weigh-In Day-- Fess Up!


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Okay girls,

What's the damage? Part of being successful on this program is being accountable. I was UP 0.4 which isn't too bad, but in 3 weeks I have only lost 0.8..... that IS bad! I'm focusing today!! I'm going to try.....no I WILL be good this weekend!

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OK, I don't know if this will make sense, since I'm STILL recovering from how bad I was during the holidays! I was down 7.5 at the middle of January, then gained 5, now down 2.5 from there (when you include the 1.4 I lost this week). So, I'm still not back to where I was in December, but I am also working out and lifting weights regularly now, when I wasn't before and my clothes fit better...

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It definitely helps to have a support group. I did WW two or 3 times in the past, and the last run (a year before the wedding), I joined with 3 or 4 girls from work. We would leave on our break and go weigh in really quick together at WW (our office is pretty flexible) every Friday. We would share recipes, etc. I lost 20 lbs. I have NEVER in my life been able to lose that weight (except when I would get my heart broken -- break up weight..got love it--J/K). But anyway, I was able to do it last year because I had support and we made it fun for each other. As soon as you stop counting or paying attention, it is SOO easy to "forget" about thing you put in your mouth. It ALL adds up. That is why if you write everything down, you will be more cautious, and start seeing results.

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Originally Posted by AQHARIDER View Post
OK, I don't know if this will make sense, since I'm STILL recovering from how bad I was during the holidays! I was down 7.5 at the middle of January, then gained 5, now down 2.5 from there (when you include the 1.4 I lost this week). So, I'm still not back to where I was in December, but I am also working out and lifting weights regularly now, when I wasn't before and my clothes fit better...
Good job Sarah! The point is your were DOWN this week!! And 1.4 lbs...that's GREAT!
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I am down 6lbs since starting bootcamp the Monday after Thanksgiving. I know I am a lot stronger than when I started. My clothes are fitting better and I can run futher everyday (still not a full mile with out walking some of it.)


As far as the diet part our instructors make us commit to not eating the following things after 3PM each day:





Refinded Sugar


This is easier than given up those items forever but trust me at 2:59 I am seaching for my last bite of yummy stuff. The idea behind the 3PM cut off is that your body starts to shut down for the day after that time and will store everything you put into your mouth. In the morning when we work out it is better to have protien and veggies that have been stored rather than pizza and pasta.


Also the other thing they really stress is drinking at least half your body weight in oz. every day. This is a lot of water but I guess it is what your body needs to work its best!


Thanks Rebecca for keeping us all on track - you are our own little WW meeting leader! I love it! I also think it is awesome that you have continued to hold your self accountable AFTER the wedding. I am sure your hubby loves it too! smile03.gif

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That's a good rule about 3pm.. I think Oprah had one about not eating after 8pm.


water, water, water!


My FI is joining in. Instead of him making pasta and sauce for us at dinner, we grilled a few chicken breasts on Monday and have them ready for salads/dinner to eat with some steamed veggies.. I'm so glad I have his support. I'm cleaning out the cabinets tomorrow.. Week 2 will be tough if I have to open it up and see Ritz crackers everyday.. even if they are reduced fat. :)

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