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My Mom is Ticking Me Off!


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I love my mom. I think she's great. All through my life, she's been my #1 supporter. But lately, particularly with regard to wedding stuff she's been so ho-hum and sometimes downright negative. I don't get it. But regardless, it's ticking me off! Would a bit of enthusiasm kill her??


For example, one of my best friends is going to throw me a shower. It's going to be in LA, in June. I'm flying in from NY. My mom is in Seattle, so I get that it's not totally convenient, but its a 2.5 hour flight. When my friend called to ask what a good weekend would be, my mom told her she wasn't sure she was interested in attending!!!! It's not like I'm having 4 showers or something. This is it!


And yesterday, I sent my sister, sister-in-law and my mom some photos of shirts I was thinking of for my nephews and dresses for my nieces. I'm not having a bridal party, but this way, they will all feel like they are a special part because they all get matching clothes. And my mom responds that she thinks it's silly to have them match and I'm sounding like my stepmother (who dresses all the girl grandkids alike at Christmas). I mean JESUS! It's not about being all matchy-matchy, it's about making them feel like they are special and a special part of my wedding despite the fact that I don't have bridesmaids and flower girls.


It just all ticks me off. Grrrrrr! Thanks for letting me vent.

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Oh goodness Becks, whats the deal? So sorry to hear about all this. I mean to not attend your shower, ridiculous. Is your mom the type that you can call her our on it? I know my sis and I would be the kind to devise a plan to have my sis ask my mom whats going on, that a possibility? I hope she comes around and you can get to the bottom of this. smile03.gif

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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
People tend to get really weird when it comes to weddings. It's like a whole new personality emerges. Hope you guys work it out!
i was going to say the exact same thing! hang in there!
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Im so sorry your feeling like this. If it makes you feel any better. My FMIL is doing more than any of my parents put together (mind you they are divorced). I doubt my steo mom is even considering going to my shower. They just have their priorities upside down. Thats just my opinion... so go ahead vent you should be feeling like that !

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I told my mom that I was tired of everyone pounding me with questions and being so negative (including her). The next day she called me back and said she hadn't realized she'd been doing that and that she's going to be positive for me. We're not confrontational at all, but just speaking up a little really helped.

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I totally understand the attitude you are talking about. It is not so much as to what she is saying but how she is saying it, right? My mom was upset with me for not planning a wedding in Ohio. Early on she was pretty snippy with me. She told me I was the one loosing out. Our families lived 3-4 hours apart. Planning a wedding that would accomodate everyone would have been a huge pain. I do feel bad but I am doing what I want. My mom has since came around and is having fun helping me with my reception and to tell you the truth I have almost nothing and she and my sister-in-law are planning. I picked colors, menue and invitations and told them have fun. I don't have a huge desire to do it. I don't care who comes and who doesn't or if anyone has fun or not..lol I just want to attend without being stessed out and have a good time. I really hope things work out for you and your mom figures out this is a once in a lifetime (or should be...lol) event for you!

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