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Funny thing happened during fitting...

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I am in school to become a massage therapist and have lost all modesty about my body! I run around in a toga style dress most days and I am sure most of my classmate have seen the girls. It was pretty funny but I couldn't laugh too much cause my boobs would shake. I imagine she has seen it all by now so I was just another pair of melons to her. The things we do to get fit for our wedding day!

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lookatme.gifLOL!! Too funny! You so do not want to wear those boobie stickies if you need any sort of support. I wore some years ago to (oh yeah, must of been prom) and they really did a number on my girls. The adheasive really stuck on like it was supposed to but the weight just pulled at the sides and I ended up with blisters at the end of the night. Not fun!
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Originally Posted by babycow View Post
lookatme.gifLOL!! Too funny! You so do not want to wear those boobie stickies if you need any sort of support. I wore some years ago to (oh yeah, must of been prom) and they really did a number on my girls. The adheasive really stuck on like it was supposed to but the weight just pulled at the sides and I ended up with blisters at the end of the night. Not fun!

Ouch! Yeah they sure do a number on that really soft, thin skin don't they?
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