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Have you exercised today?

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Originally Posted by jilly76 View Post
I've been on my treadmill everyday since last thursday and its getting easier to stick to, but I keep telling myself that no matter what I have to do it every day. Sarah, thats a good idea about doing the weights when you're watching tv. I don't usually just watch tv, I'm usually doing something else at the same time, magazine, folding laundry etc.., but now I'm going to try this.

This was also the first week I really, really stuck to WW. I didn't drink at all, even when we watched the Pats on sunday and had all kinds of yummy food, I ate the veggies and had a TON of water. But it was worth it when I got on the scale yesterday and lost....7.6 pounds! Probably a lot of water weight because it was my first real week, but nevertheless I lost something, so that helps keep me motivated. The exercise really does help!
That is amazing Jilly, good for you.

I did not get to the gym today, I was way to busy, but I did literally run around the office all do, so I would say I got in at least 30 mins of cardio in in 2 minute bursts :)
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Originally Posted by jilly76 View Post
Thanks Sherry, BTW congrats on finding your dress!! oh, I really want to go find a dress, I really want something similar to yours. But I've never tried one on either, so I'm not sure how its going to look!
Thanks....Just go and try them on.....you will be surprise i sure was

I worked out gals....I went to do cardio on my lunch and just finish strenght training....
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I am back together with Cindy after this morning - we hadn't seen eachother for about 5 days. She kicked my butt again! I haven't been great with my eating, but at least I am working out. I need to incorporate some cardio in somehow - I might just have to suck it up and use the treadmill at the hotel gym, which is about the size of a shoebox.


Sarah - you're kicking ass - good work! Ignore the scale - go by how you feel, and how your close fit. Nice work!

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