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ketuba or quaker wedding certificate?

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Hi There,


We had a custome text ketubah done by The Ketubah Company

The Ketubah Company They have beautiful ketubahs and wil put on any text you request, theur prices are reasonable also. We received our ketubah very quickly and we loved it!!! sorry, don't have a photo but you can see the one we chose here:

Red Rose

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Many of the companies will let you write your own text--we're hoping to do that, as he's catholic-turned-athiest and I'm jewish-turned-i don't even know. And many seem to require about 6 weeks, but can do rush jobs, too.


We're looking for quirky rather than traditional, and found interesting ones here: Ketubah, Jewish Wedding, Marriage, Chuppah, Huppah, Mazel Tov


And here: Ketubot - ketubah STUDIO and ketubah 4 less


And here (these are really cool and unique, as they're both printed and sewn): New Ketubah: Handcrafted Modern Ketubah Design by Tsilli Pines


Interested to hear if you have any luck!


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Originally Posted by nylalany View Post
lyrebard - are you getting married by a rabbi? or a friend? or a judge? would love to hear what jewish elements you are incorporating into your ceremony!
Heh...it's rather a funny story, really. The things we're incorporating are only ones that aren't identifiably Jewish: the chuppah that we're not calling a chuppah, the ketubah that's a hybrid of the jewish wedding contract and a quaker wedding certificate. I'm actually still looking for other traditions that I can bring in that won't raise his athiest hackles. If you have ideas, I'd love to hear them!

We're having two friends marry us: my oldest childhood friend (who's internet certified to declare us married, and will likely marry us officially just before we leave or just after we get back), and his closest friend from college. We figured that we wanted the people up there officiating to be the people who know us best! =)
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We're having my favorite cousin's husband, who is Jewish so knows some of the traditions, but is also just a charming guy who is a little older (late 40s) and feels like an officiant in a way, marry us. We just couldn't take any of our friends seriously enough in that role, sadly :) - and it would have been a hard choice. I was freaking out and kind of rushed into the decision, but hopefully it'll work out.


I'm having a chuppah too, and I'm having one of my best friends, a really good writer, write something that kind of takes the place of the 7 blessings, in a way that covers the topics of the 7 blessings in a non-religious way, and read that at the wedding.


My FI will break the glass, but it will symbolize the fragility of human relationships or some other thing other than the destruction of the temple (for him at least).


But I haven't looked into the ketubah yet - did you write your own, it is so hard to see the words on the samples!


Oh, and we're also dancing the horah :).

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Originally Posted by nylalany View Post
and I'm having one of my best friends, a really good writer, write something that kind of takes the place of the 7 blessings, in a way that covers the topics of the 7 blessings in a non-religious way, and read that at the wedding.

not sure if it would be too personal, but i'd love to see what your friend comes up with...we're having a hard time with this piece!

we're having a chuppha, the 7 blessings or something along those lines, going the interfaith ketuba route and also breaking the glass (in our case, a lightbulb since we've heard its easier to break in the sand and makes a louder breaking noise so it can be heard over the water/wind). we're also doing the hora dance, though the ceiling/thatched roof is a bit low so i can't wait to see which one of us cracks our head first!

thanks to all for the great links in this thread...super helpful!
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