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AHR Vent

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I just wish it was over! Before our wedding I totally just didn't do anything for the AHR because I was so stressed about the wedding itself. So now the wedding is over and the AHR is March 8th and I have so much to do!! I feel like all this stress should be gone now that the wedding is over but I guess it just doesn't end until the AHR is over.. I had such a breakdown the other night that I begged my husband to cancel the AHR because I'm just not getting any help at all from my MOH.

I am so ready for all this planning stuff to be over! Sorry if none of this makes since.. I'm feeling a bit crazy right now.. smile41.gif

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Girl, I am still stressing about the upcoming DW but I KNOW how you are feeling. My main concern is $$$ for the AHR!!! But I haven't done one single thing for it yet either -- and don't plan to until we get back.


How elaborate are you making it? I'm trying to keep our AHR as simple as possible. Even planning on making our own cupcake tower -- but I have a feeling I will run out of time. lol. The BM who was supposed to do it is no longer a part of the wedding ... and I COMPLETELY relate about getting no help from your MOH. My sister is the ONLY BM helping with ANYTHING (and she lives 2+ hours away).

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My biggest thing I have to figure out is my centerpieces and what I am going to do with the tables. I have to find some sort of table runner or something.. I have the flowers ordered and I have the "vases" but I need to decorate the "vases" a little bit.

The reason I am putting vases in quotes is because mine isn't.. well.. something a normal person would use for vases. LOL...

But yes we are trying to make this AHR very simple but I feel like more and more keeps adding on!

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Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
Girl, I am still stressing about the upcoming DW but I KNOW how you are feeling. My main concern is $$$ for the AHR!!! But I haven't done one single thing for it yet either -- and don't plan to until we get back.

How elaborate are you making it? I'm trying to keep our AHR as simple as possible. Even planning on making our own cupcake tower -- but I have a feeling I will run out of time. lol. The BM who was supposed to do it is no longer a part of the wedding ... and I COMPLETELY relate about getting no help from your MOH. My sister is the ONLY BM helping with ANYTHING (and she lives 2+ hours away).
Isn't it amazing how people that are suppossed to be the ones helping you out and making things less stressful think that they don't need to do anything to help? Or "have other things going on" when you need their help!?
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Originally Posted by FinallyMrsBeckermann View Post
Isn't it amazing how people that are suppossed to be the ones helping you out and making things less stressful think that they don't need to do anything to help? Or "have other things going on" when you need their help!?

AMEN sister! All I hear when I talk to one of my BM's is "I am ssoo busy" and never an offere to help or anything. Do some people really not know that being a BM is more than just an honor ... that it means helping out? Obviously too many don't think that way. aarrgghh!!!

But, it will get done, I promise you. And it's true -- what's not done no one will know about but you...
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Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
AMEN sister! All I hear when I talk to one of my BM's is "I am ssoo busy" and never an offere to help or anything. Do some people really not know that being a BM is more than just an honor ... that it means helping out? Obviously too many don't think that way. aarrgghh!!!

But, it will get done, I promise you. And it's true -- what's not done no one will know about but you...
Hah. Yes I think people think that being a BM just means that they show up on the wedding day and get to party and that's it!
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At this point, with 11 days to go, I would try to come up with a tablescape that is as simple as possible. I'm the kind of person who gets bogged down into minute details and I have to snap myself out of it. I don't know where you are having your reception or what you have in mind for vases....but if you are anything like me, you will go bonkers if you spend too much time worrying about center pieces. I know I calm down when I have a list of tasks that I can cross off. I broke into tears at my AHR because seating got screwed up. I gain my composure after having a margarita. lol. Just know as long as the people you love are there, everything will be fine. Sounds corny but it's true.

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