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large signatures


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Eureka! It works!


Anyways, normally I don't like big signatures either on forums for the same reason that the forum author mentioned. But the nature of those forums are to debate, share often dissenting opinions; thus, content matter than bulky images.


But on BDW, it's different...people want to know about our wedding planning/execution experiences, our lives, our frustrations, and pictures speak a thousand words.


I'm all for it. :-)

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An Ode to BDW


Why oh Why do I love this forum so much?

Oh it must be because we all have such strong feelings about everything!

I consider you my friends, family, and I have never even met ONE of you!

Maybe its just me

But I love BDW

OH and I have had about 4 glasses of wine.


The End

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Well I don't have a siggy (used to be our TTD picture but I chickened out) BUT I love the siggys here, BDW and all of you girls. This forum has been so helpful and I AM ADDICTED! I am in outside sales though so I couldn't be here more often. LONG LIVE BDW!!! smile03.gif And I agree, SunBride's comment was harsh! She also wrote that "information is the reason WE ALL came here for". Speak for yourself my dear... That is not ALL we came here for. This is a FORUM not Google.

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Warning: hijacked.gif


Originally Posted by Betsy View Post
An Ode to BDW


Why oh Why do I love this forum so much?

Oh it must be because we all have such strong feelings about everything!

I consider you my friends, family, and I have never even met ONE of you!

Maybe its just me

But I love BDW

OH and I have had about 4 glasses of wine.


The End

An Ode to Betsy


Dearest Betsy, we love love you, too

And when FSIL makes you feel blue

We'll step to defend your wedding day

The only thing we hope and pray

Is that you keep posting after your wine

Your ode to BDW is just so fine!


(Okay, that was really lame... I should have had a drink first.)


Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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Originally Posted by becks View Post
Warning: hijacked.gif

An Ode to Betsy

Dearest Betsy, we love love you, too
And when FSIL makes you feel blue
We'll step to defend your wedding day
The only thing we hope and pray
Is that you keep posting after your wine
Your ode to BDW is just so fine!

(Okay, that was really lame... I should have had a drink first.)

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
heehee, that was cute
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im too lazy right now (its 7 am and i got 3 hours sleep last night) to go through this entire thread but did she ever come back and reply? hopefully she didnt get turned off by this website from the responses at first. haha lord knows at first i got pissed at people on here cuase i was getting hounded because i didnt quite understand how it all worked but now i love it and all on here... hope she will know the ways too :)

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Originally Posted by jean-marcus View Post
im too lazy right now (its 7 am and i got 3 hours sleep last night) to go through this entire thread but did she ever come back and reply? hopefully she didnt get turned off by this website from the responses at first. haha lord knows at first i got pissed at people on here cuase i was getting hounded because i didnt quite understand how it all worked but now i love it and all on here... hope she will know the ways too :)

she hasn't replied.
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