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apologizing in advance because this will be long, and you guys are my personal therapy these days...


i am sure i have tons of little confessions, but my big one is that i hate my own family. they are always in my business, telling me what to do, judging me, etc etc, creating drama where there doesnt need to be any.


Damn I'm sorry to hear that you are going through all this at a time when it should be your happiest....I too have dealt a little bit family's lack of support and enthusiasm for my DW, while FI's family is jumping for joy about it...it breaks my heart but I cant let that get me down right now and I hope it wont get you down either. :)

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I confess that I really cant stand one of my brothers (God forgive me) and I get totally upset/sad/nervous when he comes to town, which is not often-maybe once a year (if that). He is stuck in the past and is holding a grudge (he's 40!!) for how strict my dad was with him and he wont let it go...so he's made it his life's mission to make my dad's life miserable (when he's in town mostly)...when he's not in town, he doesnt bother calling my parents for their bdays or for holidays but if they are strapped for cash he has his wife call my dad to borrow money!!!! My dad has bent over backwards to help him, maybe with the hopes of earning his love and respect but my brother continues to be the same. So I guess his behavior with my parents has cuased my animosity. Phew, feels good to say, um type it & get it off my chest! girl_werewolf.gif

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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
Dude - we totally have to do this! You work like 10 minutes from where I work. Lets put something together for sure. Because honestly, there is never a time I don't need a drink...nor a time when I don't need to vent.
Its just not fair !!! I want to come out with you guys too !! It would be great if we all lived close by, have a good old gossip LOL X

So heres my confession (similar to some of the others)....
I can't belive I did it for so long now looking back but I lived with my FI's parents for about 7 yrs !!! Because I've been with him since I was 15 Arrrr....
Any way, I do love his parents, they would do anything for us BUT - HERE IT COMES.... FMI she always has to be centre of attantion, shes always there when we go out and calls my FI everyday, shes told me I've put weight on before and always tells me when she dosn't like my hair and make up ect... When I showed her a picture of my wedding dress she just said "oh thats nice" and carried on telling me something else, I wish I hadn't bothered showing her !! I could go on forever. The best part is they havn't booked yet because FI's dad has Addisons disease and may not be able to fly apparently but loads of people fly with Addisons, shes just always got to make a big issue out of everything, WOW I feel better now, thanks x
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I have to confess that I really don't like my brother's girlfriend/common-law wife. They have been together for about ten years now, and I've pretty much learned to put up with her, but she is rude, obnoxious, and a big old spoiled brat. Whatever she wants, she gets, but when it comes to my brother doing something with his family (like, oh I don't know, my wedding that they didn't come to), she finds a way to make sure it doesn't happen. I probably wouldn't be as upset if there was a valid reasoning behind it, but when they use the money excuse, then go out and get a new car, rennovate the bathroom and plan a vacation to Florida this April (complete with Disneyworld and Universal Studios), I can't help but be a little miffed.

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Originally Posted by LadyCheese View Post
I confess that I really cant stand one of my brothers (God forgive me) and I get totally upset/sad/nervous when he comes to town, which is not often-maybe once a year (if that). He is stuck in the past and is holding a grudge (he's 40!!) for how strict my dad was with him and he wont let it go...so he's made it his life's mission to make my dad's life miserable (when he's in town mostly)...when he's not in town, he doesnt bother calling my parents for their bdays or for holidays but if they are strapped for cash he has his wife call my dad to borrow money!!!! My dad has bent over backwards to help him, maybe with the hopes of earning his love and respect but my brother continues to be the same. So I guess his behavior with my parents has cuased my animosity. Phew, feels good to say, um type it & get it off my chest! girl_werewolf.gif
I know what you mean, Its almost like therapy !! LOL
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I am really pissed at one of my best friends! I now I should be because she is a good friend, she's hosting my bachelorette in Chicago, and hosting a shower for me.


But...She won't come to the wedding! They can definitely afford to come. They had a big investment pay off to the tune of 10K! I don't think her husband really wants to go so he won't "let her come without him". They've know about our wedding forever and were part of my "I won't miss it for the world (until something else comes along)" group. A few years ago we all decided to take a vacation the year we turned 30 plus or minus for a few of us. Well, this is the summer we had planned! I just don't get it and it really hurts my feelings! I'm the type who bends over backwards for my friends. Her DH, that I really do like, tells me "we aren't coming but we'll get you a nice gift". I don't care about gifts I want to celebrate with my friends! The thing is that one of our other friends is trying to go but has to figure out her work schedule. I'm almost positive if that couple goes DH will jump on the bandwagon because he hates to be left out!

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I did something last night and realized I do it all the time and thought "OMG I'm a complete freak and need to put this one the 'Confessions' thread"...yeah pathedic I know.


I confess that when I make pp&j sammy's, if I butter toast, or if I do ANY kind of spreading on bread, rolls, etc---> it has to be perfect, like I make sure I cover every single angle and no section of the bread is left un-touched.


I know- I'm a freak of nature. ban.gif

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Originally Posted by QuelMoffett View Post
I did something last night and realized I do it all the time and thought "OMG I'm a complete freak and need to put this one the 'Confessions' thread"...yeah pathedic I know.

I confess that when I make pp&j sammy's, if I butter toast, or if I do ANY kind of spreading on bread, rolls, etc---> it has to be perfect, like I make sure I cover every single angle and no section of the bread is left un-touched.

I know- I'm a freak of nature. ban.gif
I thought maybe I wasnt the only one but joe insisted last night that I was crazy and no one cares if every angle is covered. (but I DOOOO!)
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Oh I do! I don't even like when you spread the condiments and wipe the knife on one side and you get a little blob on one corner...I wonder if that is why I don't really eat sandwiches...I hate when I get a burger or something and there is an off center blob.


Glad to know I'm not the only one!

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My confession... I hate my MOH's Boyfriend. We have been best friends since we were six and have been through so much together. When she told him Ryan and I were getting married he said "well that was fast hope she knows what she is doing" and when she told him we were getting married in Cancun he said "well Im not going" she started crying and pleading with him to go.. and he said "if I can get it off work I will go with you" BLAH! I don't want him there. How can I want someone that doesn't even support my marriage at my wedding? Everyone else is so sweet and happy for us. I don't want to tell her how much I despise him though.

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