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Banning Beef!


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I am embarrassed to say this but where this video was taken is a few miles away from my house.


My soon to be step daughter has had no meat at school for a couple of weeks now.


I am so sicken by the treatment and could barely watch the footage. It made me so sad!!

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I haven't seen this video and from the sounds of it I really don't want to. Animal cruelty really breaks my heart because they are just so helpless and undeserving.


My grandparents raise cows so we get our beef from them. I think many people have different theories on this but my grandparents believe that low stress on the cows produces tender beef. I'm assuming this slaughterhouse must produce ground beef only- not that it makes their treatment any better, but I can't imagine that they would have good meat from abusing their animals like that. I hope they get shut down.


I don't know if this is available where you are, but maybe you could contact a local rancher to see if they sell their beef. Typically it's a lot healthier than the meat you get in the stores. Plus I'm sure they make sure their cows are treated properly because their lively hood depends on it.

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
I haven't seen this video and from the sounds of it I really don't want to. Animal cruelty really breaks my heart because they are just so helpless and undeserving.

My grandparents raise cows so we get our beef from them. I think many people have different theories on this but my grandparents believe that low stress on the cows produces tender beef. I'm assuming this slaughterhouse must produce ground beef only- not that it makes their treatment any better, but I can't imagine that they would have good meat from abusing their animals like that. I hope they get shut down.

I don't know if this is available where you are, but maybe you could contact a local rancher to see if they sell their beef. Typically it's a lot healthier than the meat you get in the stores. Plus I'm sure they make sure their cows are treated properly because their lively hood depends on it.
I've heard of people doing co-ops with local farmers. I think it exists with ranchers. I believe you buy a 1/2 cow or a whole cow. You get a bunch of meat at once. So you'd need a big freezer.

My grandpa raised cows too! They were treated really good. When we were kids he'd tell us he needed our help counting the cows. He didn't need help, he just wanted to get us involved. He'd drive into the pasture in his truck & honk his horn. The cows knew this meant time for food & they'd come running. Then we'd throw food out of the back of the truck as he drove. Once they started to eat, we'd count them. I also named all the calves after my friends.

A good rancher loves animals. These slaughterhouse people sound terrible.
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We always buy a 1/4. It's a lot of meat but we have a deep freezer in the garage for it.

My grandparents are always looking for people to purchase their beef. A lot of people buy their meat- definitely something to look into if anyone is looking for healthy meat. Much better than the factory produced meat.


I had the best memories on the farm too. We got to always bottle feed the little calves that had issues with their momma. So much fun. I had FI do it this last fall for the first time. He was amazed how the calves will just suck on your finger thinking they will get some milk from you.

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Awwww!! Sounds sweet.


I went to Veterinary Technology school right out of high school and I loved that part of it. We got to watch a birthing, I castrated baby pics (which i used to love to tell the guy(s) I dated!) I am super-allergic to farms though, man, my eyes shut about swell shut. It was always worse for me near the pigs. But what you said reminded me of how much fun I had. I learned how to tackle sheep to, for clipping. Fun times.

Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
I had the best memories on the farm too. We got to always bottle feed the little calves that had issues with their momma. So much fun. I had FI do it this last fall for the first time. He was amazed how the calves will just suck on your finger thinking they will get some milk from you.
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Originally Posted by carly View Post
Awwww!! Sounds sweet.

I went to Veterinary Technology school right out of high school and I loved that part of it. We got to watch a birthing, I castrated baby pics (which i used to love to tell the guy(s) I dated!) I am super-allergic to farms though, man, my eyes shut about swell shut. It was always worse for me near the pigs. But what you said reminded me of how much fun I had. I learned how to tackle sheep to, for clipping. Fun times.
Shearing sheep too. I loved jumping in the bag to mash down the wool. I have a cute pic of me as a little girl lifting a lamb. The lamb looks bigger than I was. It's one of my fav childhood pics.
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Originally Posted by carly View Post
But what you said reminded me of how much fun I had. I learned how to tackle sheep to, for clipping. Fun times.
Yeah I think I'd love that too, farms and all. Pigs are so cute! Joe wants (or says he wants) to get a pot belly pig. I'd so be down for that but I highly doubt he'd actually get one. omg they are too cute. The other day I wathed Americas FUnniest Videos and they showed a baby pot belly putting a diaper on a baby. Soo fricken cute.
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