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these people are crazy


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I don't know how many of you know about this but there has been some serious criminal behavior going on in my hometown. It has gotten to a very scary point, as about a month ago a girl was abducted, raped and murdered. This is possibly related to three other rapes.


So the thing that is totally insane is that crazy church is planning to protest her funeral because they say that the police are corrupt and incomptent. Now I am all for free speech, but these people have protested soldiers funerals, were planning to protest Heath Ledger's funeral, and now are protesting this poor innocent girls funeral. I mean her family has been through enough. I cannot even tell you all how much this bothers me that these people haven't been stopped.


I have to talk to my dad about this but I assume the police department plans to do some crowd control to make sure these people don't bother the family (my dad is a police officer in Reno).


Anyway, I just wanted to vent about this.

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Reminds me of people who stand outside abortion clinics with graphic photos---- it doesn't fix the problem if you focus on the end result. That's what this is---- instead of trying to "fix" what they think is the problem (which actually requires EFFORT and lots more TIME), they choose to take the cheesy route and spend one afternoon expressing their displeasure. It's lazy, rude, and so offensive....

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Oh my lord Christine..I was going to post about this a while ago but didn't know if I should. I live in Reno and yes its awful what has happened to Brianna. She was kidnnapped from her house just sleeping on the couch on January 20th and on friday night they found her in field just a little ways from my office. Its disgusting what this guy has done. He has also raped two other girls on campus and they really don't seem to have a good grasp of how to find this guy. I have classes till 10pm three nights a week and the campus is just very scary lately due to all of this.


the protestors are unbelievable. Yes I am for free speech but doing it in this way has nothing to do with the girl and what her family is going through right now and therefore unacceptable!! There are blue ribbons flying around the whole town to honor her and these people are coming in from another city and have no idea what this town has seen and still dealing with.


I truely hope they find this guy soon so people on campus and around the town can have some peace of mind back. Sorry for such a long post but it truely is a horrible story and this protesting is making me furious!

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Jessica, its incredibly sad to see Reno turn into a place like this, I am so happy the community is sticking together and trying to help find this person. My parents have kept me updated on this whole situation and it makes me so sad that the little town I grew up in has turned into a place that has people like this. Honestly its nothing like Reno, Reno/Sparks is a great community to grow up in, very safe and its just shocking.

Jessica, please use Campus Escort at night, and they said that the second one the girl fought back and he ran away (well really the first one, since the actual first one is not for sure linked).

I really hope the police are able to help the family mourn peacefully.

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Originally Posted by Christine View Post
Jessica, its incredibly sad to see Reno turn into a place like this, I am so happy the community is sticking together and trying to help find this person. My parents have kept me updated on this whole situation and it makes me so sad that the little town I grew up in has turned into a place that has people like this. Honestly its nothing like Reno, Reno/Sparks is a great community to grow up in, very safe and its just shocking.
Jessica, please use Campus Escort at night, and they said that the second one the girl fought back and he ran away (well really the first one, since the actual first one is not for sure linked).
I really hope the police are able to help the family mourn peacefully.
Yeah its very scary...like you said its not something that happens here!! There are a lot of us walking together (never alone) after class. We have all bought pepper spray and other girl's husband bought her a personal taser that goes on your keychain!! At least they have pumped up the police around campus!
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