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More fun with photoshop- cap & gown picture

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Originally Posted by jean-marcus View Post
i would try a background color other then black though. liven it up a little :) hell throw in a photo of something random, like a monster truck, or something just for S***'s and giggles haha
I thought about putting her in a silly background just for fun. I didn't find anything that was good for an upper body shot.

Her family asked for dark grey. I added the light though to give it a little something. I'll play with some color just for my own entertainment.

I am in search of funny backgrounds for parties now. I got a cheap green screen. This weekend we are having a "finer things" party. I will photoshop people onto a lavish background in versailles. I am still looking for other finer things backgrounds.

People will wear stuff like top hats, monocles, long gloves, boas, big hats, etc. The music will be a mix of classical & silly booty shaking music.
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Originally Posted by tlomlad View Post
i cant believe that you were able to do that!
Photoshop is an amazing program. I just got a Scott Kelby Photoshop book in the mail today. I can't wait to get some "formal" training. Up to this point it's just been trial & error.
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Originally Posted by jean-marcus View Post
ive got one of those books somewhere. imagine what i could do if i actually flipped through it.. i have more fun just pressing buttons and learnign that way. haha.... if you find any cool tricks lemme know morgan.

I haven't had time to do more than flip though it, but it looks great. Lots or examples & step by step pictures. I'll definitly share anything cool I learn.

Is your hurricane picture photoshopped?
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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
I like the paint versions of the pic. Maybe something fun would be to do a Andy Warhol version of it. Is that possible?

I think you did a REALLY good job touching it up though.
I haven't tried, but I don't think it would be hard. I'll give it a shot. Always fun to try something new.
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