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So if anyone remembers, last week I thought I had lost my boarding passes cuz it was telling me the file was corrupt. I was able to locate a copy that I had emailed before and make sure I didn't lose anything. Now the problem I am having is weird. I can work on it from my home computer and it is fine, but when I email to anyone else or use my flash drive at my work computer, the file is corrupted. Can anyone tell me anything about this and how I can correct it? I even created a new file last night at home and copied the data over thinking it must be something IN the file. I have no clue what to do now, but I need to send the file to a friend so she can see about getting it printed for me and I kinda need to do it like yesterday!

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
When I saved it into a new file, I did give it a whole new name and I changed the formatting a bit too, kinda made it entirely different. I am at a loss!
Hmmm...did you try opening a new blank document, save the file with a new name, then copy/paste the info into the new document, save again.

If that doesn't work, you can email it to me and I can try to figure it out. PM me...
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Fonts tend to corrupt easily.. Here's what I do to test a file.. start deleting items and try to print.. or will it not even let you open the corrupted file? Turn off the fonts before trying to open..


Do you have AOL by any chance? AOL is the worst for corrupting files when it goes through it's server because it tries to compress files.

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It's the weirdest thing. I sent my courrpted file that I can't even open on my work comptuer to Yari and she was able to open it now problem. So I have a call into my IT department to see if it is something with my work programs, since it worked from home and it worked when sent to Yari. I will keep you all psted though, cuz this needs to be fixed pronto!

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