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El Dorado Royale (EDR) Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by jfwolfe72 View Post
Is Guacamayas an indoor or outdoor bar? Would it be a good, informal place for our guests to meet after the ceremony and before dinner while we're getting our pictures taken?
It's open air but very well covered. Depending on when your ceremony is, it would work. I don't think it opens until 5 PM and it was relatively empty for the first hour or two... We had an informal "welcome reception" there.

There's a great less crowded bar down in the casita section that's named Gaviotas I think. Pretty cool place.

Beach bar is pretty centrally located but usually pretty crowded and doesn't strike me as a good place for a gathering... That being said, I think it's where some of our guests ended up stopping for a drink between wedding and reception. Just let them figure it out...
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Originally Posted by SheaS View Post
What we did was the cocktail party with appetizers, and I think it was 14.00 per person. We alos had "pinto" the donkey, and he was 150.00, and then rented speakers for our ipod which was 250.00.
We did essentially the same thing, but also had a dessert buffet which was $18/person as well...

Our donkey was named Philemon... Wonder if we had different donkeys, if there was a name change, or if they just call him whatever they want on any given day?
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Originally Posted by anthonyandgarin View Post
Hi guys! I am hoping that someone can help me out. I remember reading somewhere that someone was sending out a "30 day letter." She posted the a link for her template. Is was for a MAC and it was super cute. Does anyone else remember that?
Bre did one and it was awesome! She sent around her template and I believe a good number of us brides copied it! I don't have the mac version anymore, but if you PM me, I'll send you a PDF of mine if you can't find Bre's.
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Originally Posted by brigopens View Post
The smaller wedding cake that we had there was probably the most amazing, moist cake I have ever had!!!
That's so good to hear! Do you have a picture of this? We'll probably get the one for 20-30 people. Is that the same size as the one you got?
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Originally Posted by jfwolfe72 View Post
Bre did one and it was awesome! She sent around her template and I believe a good number of us brides copied it! I don't have the mac version anymore, but if you PM me, I'll send you a PDF of mine if you can't find Bre's.
Anyone can PM for the template. It's too large to post here. I've already sent it to garin.
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Originally Posted by jfwolfe72 View Post
That's so good to hear! Do you have a picture of this? We'll probably get the one for 20-30 people. Is that the same size as the one you got?

Jfwolfe-- don't know if this interests you-but I just found a picture of a wedding cake online that I liked alot- and sent it to Valeria. She said it would be no problem for them to duplicate the cake...

Wedding Cakes,Cakes by Sam - I picked "R1" -last row, on the left...

I know it's too big for our wedding number of 30 guests--- but I wanted a "real" wedding cake for pictures, etc- and I like the simplicity of it for a beach wedding. She is charging me $350 for it.... Just an idea! :)

Shea- ours is also going to be strawberry cake with vanilla frosting :)
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here is our cake for 20-30 people. it was really big and the only piece we at was our shared one. It was good though. I think they served the guests from he center of the cake and everyone said it was really moist. It was chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and strawberry filling.


We were supposed to have pink roses on top but they changed their rules so no fresh flowers are available on cakes b/c they can't guarantee they won't have pesticides. so we asked for bright pink sugar flowers, clearly that is not what we got. You may Based on the photos I had seen, I wasn't expecting it to be a couture cake. So I wasn't really disappointed. They did use the ribbon I brought down but the layers were kind of short so a thinner ribbon might have been better. Anyways!


Skip the sugar flowers and know that even if it doesn't look great it will taste great.


Note, the huge flowers behind the cake was one of our two flower displays at the gazebo. THe other was placed on our advice card table.


Click the image to open in full size.

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