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UGH!!! So tired of doctors! *updated pg. 3*


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Jaime I am so sorry that you are going through all this. It sounds awful! I am glad you finally got to see a good doctor. I know you don't have money right now but could you speak to your aunt about your trust? Maybe she can help you get health insurance. If you suffer from a lot of ailments then you def should invest in insurance.


I'm sending you lots of healthy vibes. Best of luck I hope you pass that stone quickly. Now get to drinking that beer! smile03.gif

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Originally Posted by Leia78 View Post
How did the CT go?

I hope you're feeling better. I know kidney stones can be excrutiatingly painful. Just keep up w/ the fluids, rest, and pain meds.

Did the doc say you need to have lithotripsy done or have a stent placed?
Actually I only needed a KUB and not a CT. (Basically just 1 xray shot instead of hundreds) It went fine :)

I go back to the doc on Monday so we'll see what she says. A stint just sounds AWFUL!! Hopefully it'll hurry up and get out of there before the doc can even speak those words... wink.gif

Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Jaime I am so sorry that you are going through all this. It sounds awful! I am glad you finally got to see a good doctor. I know you don't have money right now but could you speak to your aunt about your trust? Maybe she can help you get health insurance. If you suffer from a lot of ailments then you def should invest in insurance.

I'm sending you lots of healthy vibes. Best of luck I hope you pass that stone quickly. Now get to drinking that beer! smile03.gif
Me and my Aunt aren't on the best of terms right now. I just got money out for school and she said I can't take anything else out until June. It's really complicated. Also, I did try and get on a cheaper form of health insurance but I was rejected due to high blood pressure.

Ahhh yes, onto the beer! I think I'm really going to give that a try this weekend... cheesy.gif
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Jaime ~ Not sure how I missed this thread, but I'm so sorry you are in so much pain...I've heard that kidney stones are horrible!! I took a co-worker to the hospital a few years ago with one...I know they are sooo not fun!! I can't believe that it has been so many weeks....I'd be going crazy if I were you.


I hope you get some good news on Monday!! I'm keeping you in my thoughts!!

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Originally Posted by Leia78 View Post
i'm sending you healthy vibes too. keep us posted. hang in there girl!
Originally Posted by Jessalyn View Post
Jaime ~ Not sure how I missed this thread, but I'm so sorry you are in so much pain...I've heard that kidney stones are horrible!! I took a co-worker to the hospital a few years ago with one...I know they are sooo not fun!! I can't believe that it has been so many weeks....I'd be going crazy if I were you.

I hope you get some good news on Monday!! I'm keeping you in my thoughts!!
Thanks ladies - actually, I've felt hardly any pain at all today!!!! Don't wanna jinx it, but maybe it's working it's way out! Just in case, I stayed home from work tonight and am on the beer Rx wink.gif
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Ok, so I went back for my checkup today. SO FRUSTRATING!!! First off, I waited TWO hours for the doctor without one word said to me that they were running late. When I was back in the waiting room I could see from a reflection of a cheesy art print a woman in the next room over standing at her door tapping her fingers impatiently. I later heard her almost yelling in pain while NO ONE came to check on her!!!! WTF!?!?


ANYWAYS, two hours later the doc comes in without one word about being late (at this point I thought I may have miscalculated my appointment time). She asked how I was doing and I said better. She then said she had taken a look at my Xray and was "trying to convince herself that she saw a very small stone". She took me out to show me. I saw something else on the Xray that I thought she would point out but she pointed to an even tinier blob and said that's where she thought the stone is. Now that I think about it I've been feeling pain in TWO areas - one where she pointed out and the other in the spot I saw on the XRay. I'm kicking myself now that I didn't point that one out to her. It matches up exactly to where I feel pain the most.


Anyways, she basically said there's nothing to do - "it's either really small or has passed already and to keep their card handy in case I needed it". I asked if there was anything at all I could do to help it out and she said not really. I said this stone that she pointed out has been stuck in the same place for 3-4 weeks and nada on her end - No help at all.


I called my Grandma (who had recommended her) and told her about the poor service I received (2 hr wait for a 5 min consultation on self pay) - she said she was very disappointed and aggravated.


I'm so frustrated that after all this crap I still don't have anything concrete.


The doc said this is the difference between the Xray (cheap, can't see much) and CT scan (very expensive, but you can see everything) and that you basically get what you pay for. Couldn't you have explained this to me earlier??


Anyways, I'm pretty convinced that there are two small stones still in there. Good news is they're not big enough to be blatantly obvious on an X-ray. Bad news is my doc can't tell me anything and it's very frustrating. Good news again is that the pain has gone down. Bad news, it's still there.


So I guess it all just kind of evens out. Not really good or bad...

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