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Thanks for bumping this, Christa!


Dear Parents,

When I send home a note telling you we were having parent conferences on Friday and request you to email or call me when you were available, I was sincere. I didn't want ONE out of 21 parents to make time to see me. Seriously..do you NOT care about your cild's education?!



The bitchy teacher




Dear Bride-to-be,

Work out harder starting next week. It will be so worth it!




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Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post
Thanks for bumping this, Christa!

Dear Parents,
When I send home a note telling you we were having parent conferences on Friday and request you to email or call me when you were available, I was sincere. I didn't want ONE out of 21 parents to make time to see me. Seriously..do you NOT care about your cild's education?!

The bitchy teacher
What grade do you teach?? Maybe there was a little note obstruction on the child's part!!
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Dear self - ok, so you proclaimed you would not go to costco today. Then when you saw the price of milk & coffee at Safeway you decided to go anyway. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?? It"s a really good thing you still carry that bottle of Xanax in your purse. JEEZ! What a fricking nightmare.


And can someone please explain why razors cost $2 a piece? What a rip off.

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Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post
Thanks for bumping this, Christa!

Dear Parents,
When I send home a note telling you we were having parent conferences on Friday and request you to email or call me when you were available, I was sincere. I didn't want ONE out of 21 parents to make time to see me. Seriously..do you NOT care about your cild's education?!

The bitchy teacher

I am right there with you-however I have it the other way around I have too many parents wanting to come in just to hear how wonderful and fabulous their child is. Parent conferences are not for the A students they are for the ones who might fail, why don't those parents care?
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I teach 2nd grade, but all notes get sent home in the homework folder. I am sure some of them didn't make it home, but seriously! Last time I had more than half show up. sad.gif


Report cards go out on the 28th....don't be surprised by their grades!



And, I always have the straight A student's parents show up..they are so involved, which is probably the reason their child does so well in school.


It's the ones that are below average that I am concerned about. I have yet to even meet 4 or 5 of my parents. It just upsets me... sad.gif

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Dear Self,


Jesuis Christ, you're 37 years old and you still drink like yu're 20. Have you not learned that it's NOT FUN to pray to the porcelin god early ij the mrong.... Fuck... it's 3:30- and you're listening to FI sleep (passed out sleep) and yet, I'm wide awake fucking with itunes in ane foot to not have the fucking room spin like a godamn soulette table...


FUCK... I should so know better by nowl.


shit, go sitck a finger in your throat and pass out... yu'/ll feel soooo buch better.




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Originally Posted by MoWife View Post
Thank you for drunk posting. It really gave me a laugh. I hope you are feeling better by now!

Wow, I remembered posting, but had no clue what I typed. Apparently, my fingers were REALLY having a moment of drunken jibberish. I think shortly after this, I passed out on the dog bed. Which explains why the dog spent the night getting her revenge on me in the living room.

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Dear me and Erik:

Why are we short of $ this week to pay bills? I'm stressing out, I really need to get a better paying job, not one that pays me once a month. Darn schools, they should pay subs better. I'm even doing a long-term and getting paid shit.


Dear students for this long term:

Why o why are there some of you who think that being rude, talking back not bothering to do your quiz will get you on my good side. Yes you have me for 9 more weeks (yes I'm counting) and yes I will kick you out of my classroom everytime you are disrespectful, throwing paper in class, spitballs too, making moaning sounds, ect.... I know it's mostly 4 of you in Block 2/3 that r doing this.

Now guess what, when we get back to school tomorrow I will be talking to you about a new behavior plan that I got from another math teacher....I'm not going to stress about you anymore, no more screaming, You don't want to learn then so be it....YOu'll find out the consequences....


Sorry that was long.....had that in for the past 3 weeks.....Oh and I can vent more....

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Originally Posted by albrosious View Post
Dear Drea, Hang in there! It will be over before you know it and then you can stay the hell away from that place :) Amanda
Thank you Amanda for the support.

Dear 8th grade Algebra I'm subbing for,
You all but 2 bombed your quiz! Why! I know why because you decide to goof off in class rather than take notes and listen. You don't do your homework, I have some who decide to draw or tag on their paper rather then take notes, I have others talking to one another, I have others making weird sounds, and yet others throwing paper and spit balls.

When we did the review before the quiz you all seem to know what to do so why the heck did you bomb your quiz. I'm done stressing about you and crying over you.
You have report cards in 2 weeks.....you better shape up.
AUGGGGGGGGG......I'm stressing waaaaaaayyyy to much over you.
I can't wait till your teacher comes back.

Dear Geometry class you are angels, I know I'm trying my best to teach you, thank you for being patient with me and still keeping up the good grades.
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