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ROR Outside Photographer / Jamaica Photographers

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I've been searching through the previous reviews and posts and am still a bit confused on using an outside photographer at ROR.


It's my understanding that if using an outside photographer who is a guest staying at the hotel then the fee (in the past at least) is $200 + videography services.


However, what happens if you use a photographer from Jamaica? Do you just need a day pass or is there an additional fee?


Sorry as I'm a 2009 bride I still haven't been able to officially book my wedding and thus can't contact Chandyln directly for these questions. But as were now less than a year away I would like to start setting our budget.


Also, has anyone used a photographer from Jamaica that they would or would not recommend? I was looking at Brian Nejedly... any thoughts?

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Originally Posted by jthrasherphoto.com View Post
It's my understanding that at most resorts, if your photographer is staying as a guest, there are no fees. If you are using an outside photographer that is local, than you have to pay the fees because they aren't at the resort so they would need a pass.
That is my understanding as well. Michael @ Photoshop will NOT know you are getting married there unless you arrange to hire him. Or if you bought the Royal or Caprice packages that come with photography.
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Originally Posted by jthrasherphoto.com View Post
It's my understanding that at most resorts, if your photographer is staying as a guest, there are no fees. If you are using an outside photographer that is local, than you have to pay the fees because they aren't at the resort so they would need a pass.
That is my understanding as well, and I have it in writing from the Wedding Sales Coordinator @ ROR. Michael @ Photoshop will NOT know you are getting married there unless you arrange to hire him. Or if you bought the Royal or Caprice packages that come with photography.
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Hi. I actually have emailed with Michael about this. If you use an outside photographer (and he/she is not a guest) then you must pay Michael a $200 contract breakage fee + the cost of the day pass.


I am using an outside photographer ... the attorney in me is having a hard time coming to grips with paying Michael the $200 fee, as I have no contract with him to "break." Not sure how I'm going to deal with that one yet.

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You don't owe him anything. Just tell him you don't owe him anything because you have no contract with him. I don't think using him is part of any contract you have with the resort. The resort probably has a contract with him and you not using him would be a breach of contract for the resort. That's not your problem though. The resorts need to own up to the fact that not all their brides are going to want to use the photographer they have a contract with.


I would trust your attorney instincts. He's just telling you this so he can make some money.


If the resort asks, tell them you don't need a photographer and leave it at that. Is your photographer staying at the resort? If not, just get a day pass for him/her.

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I leave in 5 days. We decided to fly our own photographer down with us for the week. I am not paying Michael the $200.00. I don't think it is fair to have to pay $200.00 for breaking a contract when I didn't have on in the first place. I will let you know how this works when I get back!!!

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